Cons this weekend Feb 22-24

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Master Member
Member DIN
Hey guys, we've got a few cons going on this weekend.for the Colonial Reg. Lets hear from some people. Going....Not going........Post con reports....... How well that prosthetic leg from Du Pont is holding up..........

Name: Genericon XXX
Date: Feb 22-24
Location: Troy, NY
Events: Artists and Artists Alley, Dance, Guests, Panels, Tabletop and Video Gaming, Vendors, AMV Contest, Badge Contests, Conbook Cover Contest, T Shirt Design Contest, Cosplay Events, Craftsmanship Contest.

Name: No Such Convention
Date: Feb 22-24
Location: Poughkeepsie, NY
Events: Table Top RPG, Live Music, Video Gaming, Panels, Podcast Basics, Workshops, Panels, Cosplay & Cosplay Contest.

Name: Jersey Shore Nerd Fest
Date: Feb 24
Location: Lindenwold, NJ
Events: We will have guest Artists, Vendors, Cosplay Groups. There will be plenty of Nerdy items...Comic Books, Graphic Novels, Non-Sport Cards, Pokemon, Toys, Gamer Items, Anime, Manga, Cosplay Accessories, Collectibles, Cosplay Contests, Mini Chinese, Auctions, much MORE!!!
not going to any unfortunately:(
maybe once i get a car ill be able to go to out of state cons. young to drive?

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