Constructing marine armor

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I pretty much left the sizes alone but had a few pieces resized a bit. Can't remember by how much though. Mr. weeds helped me out a lot in that department since I have a mac.
Good luck on your build.
Oooohh, okay. I think I'm just going to try it out using the default scaling and see how the pieces look. If all else fails, I'll just cut out some more paper! xD Oh joy.

Thanks man, good luck on the rest of yours and I'm looking forward to some updates. :)
Well, with me. I used string out of all things and did my best to measure myself. So far, the results turned out to satisfaction.
Ahh okay, I see. :) Simple, yet effective!

I think I figured out a way to do my measuring, it seems to be pretty I'm not sure if this would help anybody or not. I took a picture of the Halo 3 Marine, and created a blank canvas in photoshop that was the same height as my actual height in real life. Then, I scaled the picture of the marine up to that same height so it filled the canvas. Thus, making the marine size = my size. Then I measured each piece that way, with the built in rulers in photoshop. So far, I have done the shoulders and the elbows and the measurements I took in photoshop seem to be pretty accurate with what I'm getting from the pep files. However, I should say that for the shoulders and elbow pieces I've just used the default scaling.

I'm thinking the helmet will probably need to be scaled to the measurements I've taken from the photo. But yeah, just thought I would throw in how I scaled my pieces so far. :)
I have came across the same issue with mine. If you haven't started pepping, add some room for padding. with my helmet, I fear it is a bit too small for my head. Yet the only way to know is if I finish it. I may need to redo the entire torso area for that exact reason.
Ah yes. The silver maple is done shedding, the weather is beginning to cooperate and I am ready! I must apologize for the delay. between high humid weather, windy weather and rain, this project has been stalled until now. I am still lacking in supplies like straps, padding, canvas or some other soft fabric, buckles, those plastic buckle slide thingies (?), and shoulder straps with padding. On top of that, boots.
For the soft armor that is under the hard armor, I was planning on using either a real airsoft vest or just some fabric with stuffing with thin plasticard parts for the spine. I wish I could get all of the pouches and gear but money is short. I will have to declare the build finished when the pepakura parts have been painted and the straps attached. On top of that, I still haven't checked out the 'local' surplus store. So wish me luck guys/ gals and god bless our troops. Amen.
You know what, forget any fixed date of when I can fiberglass the pieces. I have no idea when this will happen. Things here are a bit crazy. But while I am writing this, I won on ebay a HUGE key piece that will go very to the tenth power well with the build. Pics to come when it arrives. Also, I may go shooting next week so anyone in need of NATO 7.62x51mm casings, let me know. Or a tip, thee .308 Winchester is almost identical. But I must ask again to any willing volunteers, may I have a PDF copy of the MA5C Assault Rifle. I totally suck at making my own from scratch but I have plans for this one and will detail the idea when I am ready. Other than that, please. Thankk you all for your support. On a key note, I am writing on my mom's highly damaged screen laptop and can't see to well what I am typing. Sorry for any errors.
Evil laughing followed by long silence. IT CAME!!!!!!!!!!!

Now all I need is to finish the rest of my costume.


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I have given up on giving a date for when I will start fiber glassing the project. I'll get to it whenever I can. In the meantime, I had to rebuild a few pieces and thus requires updating you all as to what I did differently.

This is the second breastplate built and a whole lot better than the others.

Without flash, you guys/ gals can really see the depth of the slots. Nice, huh?

And the back shot of what I did. By itself, it leaned too far to the right and thrown off the equality of the plate so by adding wood, not only did I strengthen it but reshaped it more appropriately. I am not to worried about the wood. it gets covered in padding anyway.


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Finally my friends and watchers. I have some great progress photos to show you. Today, em and my dad had finally started the process of resining the pieces.

Unfortunately, we had a casualty. Due to months of improper storage and handling, the helmet had warped and by the time I saw it, it was to late. So I will have to rebuild it. Also, my mom had accidentally squashed my front plate so I have to remake that one, again.

A view of the back plate. I am REALLY hoping that this fits onto my airsoft vest.

And a shot of most of the smaller pieces that were done up.

And that was it for the day.


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Well, with me. I used string out of all things and did my best to measure myself. So far, the results turned out to satisfaction.

Ah crap. So much for that. The torso piece won't fit on top of my airsoft armor. It is too narrow and short to clean the padding. My dad suggests cutting the arms but that will loose the smooth lines and curvature. I asked Mr. Weidl or weeds for help on the matter but the helmet I am pleased to report fits really well but I still want to make a more better one but I have plenty of work now on the other pieces. Pics to follow as I progress more into the build.
I am going to b at Comic-con tomorrow at Baltimore but my armor is still not completed. Time and money are becoming a issue as is trying to resize some pieces. So see you tomorrow fellow 405thers.
Well so much for that. I have not gone due to A. my uncle had things to do and B. severe weather. Glad I stayed home. On another note, I started reconstruction when I came across a discovery. My print features had the option of automatically scaling the prints instead of printing as is. So by me finding out about this as I remake my helmet, it is gonna be slightly larger so a win for me but the chest pieces still need to be resized so any volunteers please.
Well, that was nothing. I experienced worse storms in my lifetime. In other news, THANK YOU MUMMUM! Thanks to her, I was able to A. resize the much needed torso armor and B.C., I got my gun files! Those will be another topic in the future for I have plans for them. In the mean time, updates will be few and far in between.
HOLY CRAP! 9k views but with nothing to show for it. Sorry people but the rebuild is going MUCH slower than anticipated but progress is still being made.
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