Constructing marine armor

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Thank you miss. As the build will be on hold, I will post the materials I will be using as they come in or planning on using until I get a respirator.
With a week of terrible weather expected, maybe I can again ask for any PDF's of the MA5c Assault Rifle and the ODST Magnum. Lets say I swiped it off of one. No offense ODST fans but I can say he was dead and I needed a gun. Just saying. Grenades are gonna be interesting but with christmas ball ... things probably available on ebay wholesale and I will construct my own handles for them. Maybe even get a PDF of the pepakura and just use the balls. Since I am a lone wolf in real life, a shotgun would be nice as well. Maybe all three guns. Who knows? I have decided to rebuild the helmet but bigger and will send a request to Mr. weidl. The reason being, stuffing.
The helmet as planned will have a built in helmet blue tooth set up and a cloth to protect my head from the fiberglass. With the fiberglass, fiberglass cloth and cloth with the gear, the helmet will be impossibly tight. So I will complete it and trade it. Who's up for grabs?
Before I forget, a respirator came in. Sneaky dad. Oh yes, I also got my fiberglass activator. Instead of wishing me luck, i wish all of you luck on your builds.
After reading the highly epic thread of Longshot-X's Spartan VI armor build, I have gathered ideas on how my torso armor will go together. The armored straps that are on the bottom will be hinged and I will show you all how I will do that as well as the use of magnets. That and the obvious buckle for the top will make the armor very easy to store. My dad has a plan to show me with the helmet but I fear his idea will hide the details so I will continue with the two helmet builds. The smaller one is for trading so any takers?
The weather for the week is gonna be wet and not good for fiberglassing but I saw another opportunity to add another mod to the breast plate for the side straps. More on that tomorrow. Fiberglass activator came in yesterday and today my elastic straps came in. So the armor is quickly beginning to come together as far as supplies go. Still need regular straps and plastic buckles and now I am starting to look at accessories.
It's Wednesday and it's damp and slightly cold. Weather is gonna be like this for the foreseeable week to next wednesday. The build is gonna take longer now thanks to this weather. Oh well. If I may fellow 405th members, I request PDF files for the pepakura build for the weapons I wish to obtain. I am also going to do an update here soon on a recent acquired item and a new mod to the torso armor.
I decided to do a progress chart.

I know it's extremely rough but it helps. Right?


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That might work but it doesn't offer a side view. There is a motorcycle shop not to far from here so I was planning on taking it there to get a bluetooth headset and an appropriate looking visor. But that will be done after the fiberglassing.
Evil calking echoing. I have gotten something on ebay that will "blow you away". Pics to follow when it arrives but it will be a "blast". All right, I hate keeping secrets. I have gotten some disabled army surplus grenade tops. Key word: DISABLED. I am going to fabricate my own grenades for the sole purpose of being props. I am a man of my word and this is my contract to the community given how these can be misused. I will NEVER use or show my grenades outside the use of my armor. I will NEVER allow anyone but me to hold the grenades.
Well, with that out of the way, a short tutorial will be shown on how I will make these and if I get enough complaints, I will only show the pieces I have received and the finished items.
Man good job pepping!
but thats nos fair, youre an architect, thats why youre so good at .pdo! (just kidding)
im looking foward to see your proyect done, i am doing a bit slow on my project but ill get to work tomorrow!

but keep the good work marine!!!


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The weather MAY be good for two days next week. If that, one day. I will squeeze in as many parts in that time frame as possible. After that will be more layers and then primering. Updates to follow.
Attention all fellow 405th members. I have a new plan to be more accurate in my depiction of the UNSC Marine. I have found the vest they wear under the armor.

It is called an interceptor body armor. I am looking for a replica of one. As for the pouches and such, it appears to be a combo of ALICE (All-purpose Lightweight Individual Carrying Equipment) and ILBE (Improved Load Bearing Equipment). If anyone has charts on where the pouches go or what they are called, please post or PM me.
It seems like I am going less costume and more real for this. Again, it's part of a challenge. Also, the weather is gonna be crappy until next week.


  • MultiCam_IBA.jpg
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I like where this is going, keep it up! :p
I think Aqua Resin could be a good alternative, if I'm not mistaken, it's made by Smooth-On.
But take note that your paint might fall of normally from wear and tear, slightly more than if using Bondo.
Atleast that's what I know :D
I can't wait to see this thing done! haha
but one thing that catches my mind is that their is 10 pages in this thread, and you still haven't even started resining.
I want to see some progress, because i just went through all 10 pages and didn't even see that you have even got to the resining step.
But i know that when it is finished it will be way awesome. Keep up your good work. and good luck.
I can't wait to see this thing done! haha
but one thing that catches my mind is that their is 10 pages in this thread, and you still haven't even started resining.
I want to see some progress, because i just went through all 10 pages and didn't even see that you have even got to the resining step.
But i know that when it is finished it will be way awesome. Keep up your good work. and good luck.

The weather has not been cooperating thus I have not been able to resin yet. Maybe next week I will begin.
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