Custom Mandalorian Armor

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Nice! The only thing i'm worrying about is that the helmet looks like its goin to fall down. Is it stable?
Ted said:
Nice! The only thing i'm worrying about is that the helmet looks like its going to fall down. Is it stable?

It's stable. :) It's got supports around the bottom edge.

I finally started the resin stage. It took me forever to get started because every time I had time to over the past couple of weeks due to lack of supplies or weather. :(

I can't wait to finish this suit so that I can start my next suit. I've come up with some great ideas for it and I'll be sure to post a thread for it when I start.
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looks good so far. i like the light saber, it remindes me of mine. i used the sink method too but mine came out to

50$ or so but i have mine filled with battaries to balence it.

keep up the good work

Savvy, out
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