Props Custom Sniper Rifle Wip

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Xtreme TACTICS 101 said:
Now, I am having a problem figuring out how I am going to make this part of the handle (circled in red) from cardboard.


I may have to do that whole area with bondo work. But If I can figure a way out on how I can do it without a ton of bondo, that would be great.

Any help given would be great.


i did mine rough the used cardstock to smooth it out and then ill bondo it some
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I'm not real big on cardboard weapons, but that's pretty impressive work!

After looking at the concept painting (very cool!) I have a question...

Why is there what looks like a carry handle on the UNDERSIDE of the rifle?

Doesn't seem very logical to me.
Xtreme TACTICS 101 said:
Due to the great luck my Uncle is a Canadian Forces Sniper, I was lucky enough for him to teach me everything he knew about how to make a ghillie suit. We started working on it about a month ago, and finished it roughly 2 ½ weeks ago. Its up to Canadian Forces specs with the exception that its base is a German Flectarn (not the standard CADPAT TW or Arid) BDU (acquired from a German soldier during one of my Uncle‘s Training exercises over seas), and there is no padding/canvas on the chest.

Woah woah... wait a minute.

Canada has a military? With SNIPERS?
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PLEASE tell me your joking. Sure our military isn't big, but we have (well, had-he retired) the best sniper to date. Rob Furlong. He was the man who got a kill at 2430m away (2.4km)!

Also sure, our military isn't that huge like the US's, but we arn't a military based country.
Xtreme TACTICS 101 said:
PLEASE tell me your joking. Sure our military isn't big, but we have (well, had-he retired) the best sniper to date. Rob Furlong. He was the man who got a kill at 2430m away (2.4km)!

Also sure, our military isn't that huge like the US's, but we arn't a military based country.

Xtreme, is right.

Actually i've heard that the basic training for all soldiers up here is equivalent to that of the US special forces. the UN has said that We have one of the best military training programs in the world.

Canadian snipers frequently back up American squads deep in Afghanistan, this is because they are among the best in the world.

Also let me mention that the American digital pattern camo is based off the CANADIAN CADPAT, our invention :)

ONTOPIC: I like the sniper, keep it up.
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Not that the Canadian army isnt well trained, but they are definitely NOT trained like the US SOF, SF, NSW troops etc.

As for this build, awesome :D. More updates needed :p
Xtreme TACTICS 101 said:
PLEASE tell me your joking. Sure our military isn't big, but we have (well, had-he retired) the best sniper to date. Rob Furlong. He was the man who got a kill at 2430m away (2.4km)!

Also sure, our military isn't that huge like the US's, but we arn't a military based country.

Haha I totally agree. Canada has some of the best snipers. The AWP are some of the best snipers in america. It doesn't have a large military because Canada isnt a military based country. At least not as much as the US. Anyways, back to your rifle, I think u are on the right track with getting this thing done by halloween. Its gonna be awesome!
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Xtreme TACTICS 101 said:
PLEASE tell me your joking.

Well, you don't have to beg.

I didn't really hide the joke, it was pretty out in the open.

And yes. This sniper is beautiful

I'm glad there are more people making snipers now.
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Hey everybody,

As you may have guessed by this post, I’m back to work on this Sniper Rifle.

I have gotten the basic shape of the grip finished:


Now for a little decision on what is to come.

As some of you may have seen in my Weta version Battle Rifle WIP, I have devised a new method to building my cardboard weapons. After taking my new method to the max, I have decided to go even further. I am designing a whole custom stock for my Sniper Rifle, and adding extra goodies to it.


I’m still designing the collapsible, adjustable stock, so bare with me. When its finished It will have a suppresser in the flash hiders place, custom rifle ghillie coverings, and a 100% custom stock.

I cut off the original stock, but its in a safe place for now. I will probably make it attachable so I can optimize my Sniper Rifles looks. I have a basic idea on how I will attach the custom stock which is shown in these pictures.



I also have a secret project in the works. Whoever guesses the correct weapon name gets a free cookie!


Well, tell me what you think so far. I will continue to work on this sniper rifle, and every one of my many other weapon projects as much as possible.

The secret project is the DMR (Reach BR). I recognize the parts almost imeadiately. The triangles show hints of the BR, however, the gap in the middle shows that it is the DMR. The distinctive design of the magazine port also makes this apparent.

SPARTAN110, Xtreme's cardboard weaponsmithing skills are very well developed, thus, "because it looks soo good" is inadequate.

Keep up the good work Xtreme.
GOOD HEAVENS! THATS AMAZING! I believe that you are inspiring me once more with you projects. I might just create another SR cause of you :p

Keep on Working!! :D

Man, your cardboard-fu is strong! Hope it goes well.

Harris007 said:
Haha I totally agree. Canada has some of the best snipers. The AWP are some of the best snipers in america.

Bare in mind the AWP, or L96, is a British rifle.
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Wow this is amazing! I like the idea of a ODST Gillie Sniper. In my opinion you should seriously consider working with someone on a Fan-Film with an awesome custom suit and rifle like that!
Tyvern said:
This looks like it's going to be bad as heck.....J/K :p

Really good!


"Bad as heck" could've been taken as a compliment.

But otherwise, good luck with both the Sniper, and the DMR.

I'm trying to integrate a Nerf Recon into a cardboard Halo Sniper rifle body... (Not going well).
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