1st Build Halo Infinite Master Chief Build


New Member
So this is going to be my first full build (I made a Halo 4 Master Chief helmet for C2E2 2024). I had known about the 405th but not joined. Anyhow, now that I have joined, I want to make a full suit, so I am looking for advice. I have been looking through files for a while now and decided I want to do Halo Infinite Master Chief. But I don't know what files to use. I want it to be fully 3d printed (other than under suit) as I already own a Prusa 3d printer. I am willing to pay for them. The best one I have found so far is Halo Infinite Master Chief Armor - 3D Print Files. If anyone knows any better ones please let me know. Also, any tips in general? Also, how should I do scaling?
So this is going to be my first full build (I made a Halo 4 Master Chief helmet for C2E2 2024). I had known about the 405th but not joined. Anyhow, now that I have joined, I want to make a full suit, so I am looking for advice. I have been looking through files for a while now and decided I want to do Halo Infinite Master Chief. But I don't know what files to use. I want it to be fully 3d printed (other than under suit) as I already own a Prusa 3d printer. I am willing to pay for them. The best one I have found so far is Halo Infinite Master Chief Armor - 3D Print Files. If anyone knows any better ones please let me know. Also, any tips in general? Also, how should I do scaling?
If you're on Windows, Armorsmith ($40) is a popular option for figuring out your scaling before printing anything.

If that's not an option, I've found that the Cut tool in PrusaSlicer (and other similar slicers) are helpful for printing small cross sections of what you're need to see if they'll fit. If I recall correctly, Galactic Armory includes a sizing ring with their helmets so you know beforehand what scale it needs to be to fit over your head.
Also meshmixer is good for slicing parts for smaller printers

as to files I am printing Moe's Infinite master chief files and so far so good, some parts of the model are quite thin when printed but for me that is an easy fix (3D modeller).

I wish you well on your journey and remember to breathe ;)
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