I use gorilla super glue. Its been working great for me. I went exploring for any other type of glue, because gorilla works perfiectly. Im sure other types of super glue will work.
Sorry everyone I have been really busy with family and work. On top of that a whole lot of commission job. After im done making this I'll take a brake from making props for other people. I need to start making things for myself again.
I started working on the helmet again. I kinda go back and forth with different builds, plus the dead space suit is not due in till SDCC in July. I hope You guys Like the up date even tho its not much.
I may not comment on your thread, but I always hope for an update. Maybe that should change. Anyways, you def know you have the ability. With that said, I love your work. It looks great.
It really easy depending in the thickness of Styrene you use. The two thickness I use the most is 0.30 and 0.60. .30 is a little thicker then cardstock. With that said its really eazy to use. .60 is twice as thick and holds its shape well when you bend it. Sometime lats year I want to see if I can use it with pep.
It turns out you can. This is the Emile shoulder. I never finished it. But I did it the same way you would do the foam method, but with styrene. And since Styrene is a plastic. All you have to do is paint it when your done.
My god this is just amazing...I adore Dead Space 2, even more than the first part..And the rigs were amazing, and this what you're doing is amazing too. I cant wait to see the finished product.. Do you have a template you are making this from or this is all you?And will your template be available sometimes in the future
what are you using for the undersuit? they all seem to be like a common day dive suit except for the vintage suit which is more of an old rubber dive suit.