Dead Space 2 Armor & Weapons ( Pic Heavy )

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Dude, you've got some mad skills with styrene! Amazing job so far and looking forward to seeing the finished project.
Man that's incredible... Can't imagine what's its like to give something like that away:/ best be gettin big bucks for it :p
man , that thing is just amazing , i love the painting job , BTW do you have any guide drawings or something?
i'm gonna cry man , seriously
Nick, That build, well multiple builds are just amazing. I like the fact that you freehand a lot of your stuff, I think there is a certain level of artistry in that and I highly respect that. I hope you made a little bit of change on that build, because its flipping amazing.

FINIALLY some1 who uses styrine, instead the sissy foam crap.... you are a styrine GOD!!! congrats you are the star of the 405th bible :)
I thought about making an advanced suit helmet also at 1 point. The lighting of it was where i decided not to do it since i could not come up with a good way of lighting it up without blinding myself from the blue led's bouncing back at me, but that was then. I got a way that will reduce the effect quite well and if you want you can try this for your build.
step 1 is to use either a thin black air pocketed foam or black felt so it will absorb as much light as possible to prevent the light blind back bit.
step 2 is something that is optional but may provide a much brighter rig. A mirrored motor cycle helm lens placed about 1 inch from the interior to help reflect all possible light back out. only problem with this 2nd step, it will restrict airflow and make breathing a bit more taxing. but thats not unlike most of the helms we make anyway.
I'm pretty floored by the awesome construction of Isaac's helmet you've got there. I'm rather excited to see what you have next.
I really glad everyone likes my work. This was a commission job. My client lost his job and have no extra money. he owns me $150. untill i get that it will not be finish. Its not likely that he is going to finish pay me for the weapons, because he already payed for the helmet, and seems very happy. If anyones interested in the guns let me know.
Oh wow, back when i joined years ago everybody was making nothing but Halo 3 related props. And here we are years later, with many more awesome games out and many more awesome members.

Builds like this is what make the 405th great.

I can't wait to see the progress on this build... Incredible
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