wow thats harsh manspartanmartin said:In our school in year 7 when i was 11yrs old a load of kids from a grubby school atacked us. But luckely someone tiped uss of 3 days before is happend. (load=100 kids thyve got 700 or so students there) there where loads of police cars there and stuff each nuss had like 5 police with big sheald's incase of an attack on the buss form the outside kids. I got kicked to hell from em on my way home. i had 1 smashed rib 2 black eyes a broken arm and a nasty kick somewhere else..... 20 or so kids got arested and had to be in iselation for 1 hole term. Im still in pain from attack.
whhy'd they do it? and how long ago was this?
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