Deployment FAQ

I have a Deployment question. I am all but finished with my Jorge S052 build and I'm really trying for a Tier 3 Deployment. That said, I would like to do just a minor alteration from the walked-off-the-screen Jorge and paint on a bear paw ~4 inches in size to the backpack to make it my own (Papa Bear) without spoiling the aesthetics of the game character. If I were to do this, would this preclude me from Tier 3 if everything else in my build was to measures up?
Unfortunately because Jorge is a "Face Character," and subject to more detailed scrutiny than a generic character, any additional elements or markings not seen in game will most likely preclude it from a Tier 3.

That said, we only review based on the pictures we are sent, and any modifications or additions that might be made after submitting an application would not retroactively change or lower s completed application.
Unfortunately because Jorge is a "Face Character," and subject to more detailed scrutiny than a generic character, any additional elements or markings not seen in game will most likely preclude it from a Tier 3.

That said, we only review based on the pictures we are sent, and any modifications or additions that might be made after submitting an application would not retroactively change or lower s completed application.
I'll take it. Thanks for the clarification.
I'll take it. Thanks for the clarification.
Unfortunately because Jorge is a "Face Character," and subject to more detailed scrutiny than a generic character, any additional elements or markings not seen in game will most likely preclude it from a Tier 3.

That said, we only review based on the pictures we are sent, and any modifications or additions that might be made after submitting an application would not retroactively change or lower s completed application.
I submitted my deployment request today!
I submitted my deployment request today!
Just as a heads up Bear. To be deployed you first need to be in a regiment.

Just post in this thread:

Asking to join the Pacific Regiment.
Just as a heads up Bear. To be deployed you first need to be in a regiment.

Just post in this thread:

Asking to join the Pacific Regiment.
I assumed I would automatically be placed in a regiment based on my region. Request submitted
I assumed I would automatically be placed in a regiment based on my region. Request submitted
Because joining a Regiment is an entirely voluntary process, we don't require folks to join a Regiment to be a member, use our resources, post, or even participate in events, members have to request access in the appropriate thread, which you have done, so, you're all set now.
So, not to rush, but what is a typical time required for a Deployment application to be processed? I am hoping to have it completed by HCS which is in 13 days, 21 hours, 50 minutes and 25 seconds...;)
So, not to rush, but what is a typical time required for a Deployment application to be processed? I am hoping to have it completed by HCS which is in 13 days, 21 hours, 50 minutes and 25 seconds...;)
You application has not even been in for 24 hours. Please understand that all of our staff are volunteers with real life jobs, families, and other commitments who do this in their free time on top of all of that.

Your application will be processed in order behind the other applications ahead of you when RandomRanger has time to work on applications.

As I mentioned in my previous post you do not have to be a Regiment member, let alone be Deployed in order to participate in the vast majority or our events, HCS included, so, I am not sure why you believe you are required to have a completed deployment application before the Event.
That i
You application has not even been in for 24 hours. Please understand that all of our staff are volunteers with real life jobs, families, and other commitments who do this in their free time on top of all of that.

Your application will be processed in order behind the other applications ahead of you when RandomRanger has time to work on applications.

You application has not even been in for 24 hours. Please understand that all of our staff are volunteers with real life jobs, families, and other commitments who do this in their free time on top of all of that.

Your application will be processed in order behind the other applications ahead of you when RandomRanger has time to work on applications.

As I mentioned in my previous post you do not have to be a Regiment member, let alone be Deployed in order to participate in the vast majority or our events, HCS included, so, I am not sure why you believe you are required to have a completed deployment application before the Event.
Contrary to my wife's belief, I do have patience. I was wondering what is a typical time frame was, that is all. I know that I don't need to deployed to participate in events. The only real impatient on my part is to see if I get my first choice of deployment number. I can wait, I can be patient, and I apologize if my post implied I wanted my app to be rushed. I'm just excited is all! Respectfully, PapaBear
Contrary to my wife's belief, I do have patience. I was wondering what is a typical time frame was, that is all. I know that I don't need to deployed to participate in events. The only real impatient on my part is to see if I get my first choice of deployment number. I can wait, I can be patient, and I apologize if my post implied I wanted my app to be rushed. I'm just excited is all! Respectfully, PapaBear
No worries Papabear. Unfortunately, with some other 405th tasks and my own prep needed for HCS I don't think I'll be able to through the backlog enough to catch yours before HCS. As a reference though, I try to make sure the wait is no longer than a month. I don't necessarily always succeed, but I've found that to be the most consistent way to balance it against additional responsibilities. I hope that adds the context you're looking for.
With season 5 approaching it is now going to be possible to recreate a spartan in game that is not all parts from the same core, does that mean cross core is now going to be allowed at higher tiers or does that rule still stand despite it being possible to recreate it in game.
With season 5 approaching it is now going to be possible to recreate a spartan in game that is not all parts from the same core, does that mean cross core is now going to be allowed at higher tiers or does that rule still stand despite it being possible to recreate it in game.
If you can recreate it in-game, then that meets the stipulation.
If you can recreate it in-game, then that meets the stipulation.
That said, the key is that it must be able to be done in game.

There is a lot of speculation and rumor going around about what helmets and what cores will have cross over capability, so we won't be making any official calls until the new Season goes live and we are able to see what can actually be done in game.
Are props/weapons a factor in Deployment (I keyword-searched through all four pages and didn't see anything on it)? If the answer is "yes", that question breaks down into two specifics:

1) If someone's cosplaying a specific Halo character (let's say Halo: CE Master Chief), rather than just "an ODST" or "my multiplayer Spartan", and has a prop weapon to accompany the costume, does he/she have to be using a gun from that game, or could he/she be armed with something from, say, Halo: Reach or any other Halo game that isn't Combat Evolved?

2) Are weapons from other properties permitted, even as secondaries (like if I had the Avatar AMP suit knife as my character's knife in a sheath somewhere on my body, rather than a UNSC-style knife)?
As replica and prop weapon laws vary around the world, weapons are never required for Deployment, as we are focused on the costume and its construction, and in fact ask that applicants not hold any prop weapons in their application images, as they can obscure parts of the costume.

Prop weapons therefore would only factor in if they are included in your application photos and are in a way integrated into your costume. As such your second concern could be an issue, however it would be on a case by case basis. The fact that we do allow "Mash Ups" with other commercial properties at a Tier 1 would allow for the use of another properties weapons, just a Tier 1.

In your specific example of the Avatar AMP Knife, that might even be allowed up to a Tier 2, all other things fitting those requirements, as that Avatar Knife looks relatively generic and not as distinctive and well known as say, a buster sword or lightsaber hilt.
With 343 churning out new color schemes every battle pass, how strict is the judgment on "-Paint Scheme Patterns, Color, and Placement must match references or be able to be replicated in Multiplayer Customization." for Tier 3?
I'm getting way ahead of myself, but I want to be prepared. I plan on doing a Mark Vb for an OC, but the aesthetic is still very much inspired by Reach and Noble Team. If I don't stick exactly to the MCC multiplayer color scheming is that a No-Go?
With 343 churning out new color schemes every battle pass, how strict is the judgment on "-Paint Scheme Patterns, Color, and Placement must match references or be able to be replicated in Multiplayer Customization." for Tier 3?
I'm getting way ahead of myself, but I want to be prepared. I plan on doing a Mark Vb for an OC, but the aesthetic is still very much inspired by Reach and Noble Team. If I don't stick exactly to the MCC multiplayer color scheming is that a No-Go?
Custom Color Schemes are allowed up to Tier 2, within Reason. For Tier 3, it has to be achievable in Game. If it can't it is limited to Tier 2 at a maximum. Additionally, the Infinite and Reach Mark V are extremely similar, to the point that Infinite Color schemes should be fine for almost any Mark V build, but, all Deployments are judged individually on a case by case basis.
Custom Color Schemes are allowed up to Tier 2, within Reason. For Tier 3, it has to be achievable in Game. If it can't it is limited to Tier 2 at a maximum. Additionally, the Infinite and Reach Mark V are extremely similar, to the point that Infinite Color schemes should be fine for almost any Mark V build, but, all Deployments are judged individually on a case by case basis.
Also, I should have read the assigned reading more carefully, sorry about that.
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