Happy Welcome Back GIF by Unblocked
So excited to see this get unlocked. Your undersuit work is the best I've seen and I am basing mine directly on yours. If I get even close to 75% of the way to your level of quality I will be ecstatic.
You just made my day, thank you so much!!! It makes me so happy that my build can help you with yours!
I am constantly amazed by you foam armorers and your ability to understand the translation from 2D to 3D space.

I am trying to find any file that will be the base of the undersuit's belly, but I can't seem to find any. Here pipninja mentions using WandererTJ 's file, but I cant seem to find anything on it. None of the files in the Armory seem to cover the undersuit. I'm beginning to think I will need to make a mannequin like you did and draw a template from scratch.
MAN how do I even begin. I've just looked back through some of the replies here and have legit goosebumps from the kindness that has been shown to me and getting to see other people get as excited for this build as I have been. When I'm crafting alone for months it's easy to forget there are so many others out there who share the same love for these games and the armor designs in them, and I just love connecting with you guys and seeing your builds and hopefully getting to help or inspire with my own.

Since my last update I've made a couple upgrades to the suit that I'll be detailing here. I wore this for Momocon this Spring and did a little concrunch for an updated neck seal, and installed a mic so I can communicate a lot easier. But that con also made it evident that my undersuit abdomen had reached the end of its lifespan after so many wears. It had been repaired many times, but I also patterned it at least like 5 years ago and it just doesn't fit the same anymore. There were also some spots where the rubbery coating were rubbing off from repeated friction.

Fast forward to early August this year, I wasn't planning to bring Noble 6 to Dragoncon because I knew she needed too much work. I was gonna have an easy month and no big armor to deal with at the con. That was immediately thrown out the window when I was asked by dat_boi_builds to fill in as their Noble 6 in their Noble Team group for Dragoncon this year. Cue a combo of excitement at a dream come true and panic at maybe not having the time I need to make it happen. I had other costumes I needed to finish for myself and my brother, my birthday that I always end up ignoring in favor of concrunch, I had a cold, our power went out for a whole night and our AC went out for like 4 days while we were having 85f+ degree days. And I had about 2 and half weeks to make it happen. Spoiler alert I DID IT. I'm truly so proud of myself, it was a very difficult few weeks of 10+ hour work days, and I was consistently praying for the ability to get it all done and giving myself pep talks when I felt like it was impossible. And I managed to keep a level of quality that I'm happy with while working with such little time. We all know concrunch can be really taxing, and I felt like I was up against a new obstacle every day and like there was a chance I was gonna miss out on getting to be part of a Noble Team that I was so excited to join.

ANYWAYS it was a literal dream come true, the group was so welcoming and inviting to me, I didn't know any of these guys prior but I really hope we get to troop together again. Getting a Noble Team together seemed like something that would never happen, it's such a large group project to get enough people to agree to the time and money investment. I am forever grateful to have been able to fill in for them. When we get our group photos back I'll share some here. Here's everyones insta tags so you can check out their beautiful builds!
Carter- dat_boi_builds
Emile- suit.up.photography
Jun- thirddimensionbuilds
Kat- carnage.cosplay
Jorge- jtquantum

Alright let's get into it!

New neck seal reference image, we're goin for the striped layer with the zipper looking thing


I used my old pattern as a base shape and altered it to be 2 pieces so it would hold a little more closely to my neck.


I used a base of some foam I've used for a couple things before, it's kind of a stretchier eva foam, it was a random amazon purchase years ago and I still had a little left. 2mm eva foam should work about the same. Then I machine sewed the same yayahan rubbery fabric I use for most other things, directly onto the foam. There's some double sided sewing tape that you can use to hold the fabric where it needs to be which I use all the time. This was tricky to get even lines because this fabric is hard to mark on but I got it pretty close.


You can see here that I've sewn a little separating zipper in, folded over any extra edges and glued them down, and after this I contact cemented some strips of stretchy black fabric to connect the neck rectangle and base without sewing any more seams. And a side by side with the old version. The old one did just fine, but I'm really happy with the new one!



Here's some photos from Momocon that show it off a little!


And another photo from Momocon that shows some of the things I later fixed for Dragoncon.
You can see the inner most arm seal is a little banged up and I honestly never loved the way it looked in the first place. It did the job but I knew it could be better. You can see a tiny bit of the wear and tear on the abdomen too but some of it's hidden by armor and the worst spot was the back/spine area from how badly it fit me at this point. It could barely zip. I also discovered at this con that my thigh pieces needed some widening or remade. It takes some strength on my handlers part to shove me into the armor even when it fits correctly, so you can imagine the struggle we went through in a hot parking garage lol. The fact that these parts stayed together long enough to get good pictures and enjoy the con for a few hours was a miracle


Now let's get into me fighting for my life trying to get stuff done for Dragoncon.

My old abdomen armor was multiple pieces covered in fabric, glued together with little strips of cotton fabric on the backside, then all glued as one piece to a stretchy shirt. The shirt had one detailed left arm and a plain right arm for the robot arm to go on top of, glued on arm seals, and a zipper down the back.

The biggest issue here, even when it fit me correctly, was all the tension that was held in those little glued pieces of fabric and foam holding this thing in its shape. I always had to fix pieces that wanted to separate after wearing it. There was no real base structure. It held well considering all of that, and I'm so proud of this piece and would've probably kept wearing it if it fit, but I knew I could figure something better out.

A few months ago an idea hit me and I knew it would be SO much better. A corset! A base structure that had it's own strength and could be a good building block for the rest of the pieces, something that didn't rely on glue and prayers. Something that was built to withstand tension and keep it's own shape.

Space Corset

I had never made a corset before, I'm still a sewing novice in my eyes, I just wing it for the Halo armor and hope for the best. Thankfully this corset didn't really need to look that clean because it was all gonna be covered up with foam in the end. But I gotta say it was easier than I thought it would be and I'm thrilled that it fits like it does! I used Sarah Spaceman's corset tutorial on youtube to figure out my plan.

I forgot to take photos of the patterning process, but I just had my husband wrap my waist in plastic wrap and masking tape and I drew on the different sections I wanted on one half of me, and flipped the pattern for symmetry. I recommend getting some angled bandage scissors to cut yourself out of patterns, it's a lot easier and safer.

It's a one layer corset, I used some really soft twill which has no stretch to it, and I used large zip ties as boning and installed it along every seam on the inner side of the corset. It has a zipper back. It was actually such a cool easy way to dive into corset making and I feel like I could actually tackle something pretty for the renfest now lol.


Once again I forgot to take photos because I want to get out of the warm plastic wrap as quick as possible, but for the undersuit detailing I wore the corset and once again was wrapped in plastic and tape. I used my old abdomen patterns as a guide to draw new ones onto this base and adjusted where I needed to update the sizing while keeping the same basic shapes.

The same as my last abdomen, I cut them out of foam (using 4mm instead of 6mm this time to account for some of the other sizing changes that were happening), and meticulously contact cemented the fabric onto them. Once the individual pieces were done I had to decide how to attach them. I thought about hand sewing them on but I wasn't sure that would be any more sturdy than gluing them and I didn't have the time for that. So my husband and I got our respirators on, and went on the back deck to start gluing while I wore the corset.

Sorry for the dark photo lol. This is after we had done some dry fitting of each piece and used tailors chalk to outline them so that he knew where to apply contact cement and place each piece for me.


It's struggling to let me add more photos so I'll pick back up on the next post assuming my internet cooperates.
We glued this on in two sessions because the hips ended up needing some size adjustments. And, I assume because of a bunch of tiny discrepancies adding up, the hips needed to be slightly different from each other to fit in to their slots. Their slight differences aren't noticeable when I'm wearing it, but gapping between ill fitted pieces would've been. The hips are 10mm foam just like the last ab wrap.

I had plastic wrap on under the corset, and we used two layers of contact cement on the corset and one layer on the foam pieces, and applied the glue to only the section we were gluing at that time.



And a shot of the back. The back has a zipper running up it, but I make the back pieces along the spine out of 2mm foam+rubbery fabric, then sew velcro to it, then make a top layer out of 1mm foam + details, cover it in fabric, glue velcro to the back of that, and it covers a majority of the zipper. The spine armor pretty much covers the rest after I glue it or velcro it on.


This was the point that I realized
I needed to do even more and figure something out for the arms and upper body, because I realized my last abdomen was attached to the entire original under shirt and this is just a corset now. More things I hadn't really anticipated needing to do, but actually went well once I found the time! If it came down to it, I could've probably cut the whole upper waist off the old one and just worn it like a crop top, but I wanted to do my best to upgrade this too.

So I found a short sleeve fitted black athletic shirt I already owned and literally never wore, cut the old detailed left sleeve off the old undersuit, hand sewed it onto the new shirt, made a basic sleeve for the right arm with some soft black athletic fabric I had, sewed it onto the new shirt, and hand sewed all the corresponding velcro pieces into the right spots on the new shirt for armor pieces to sit like they did on the last shirt.

I may remake the left sleeve in the future but I still think it looks pretty good, it's just not as comfy as I would like. I left out some left shoulder detail that I didn't have time to add, which I'd like to do later. And I may add some robot arm details to the right sleeve sometime but I think the plain sleeve does a good job on it's own so it wasn't a priority.

Now, the only big thing left for this shirt/undersuit upgrade is the arm seals. I actually had the old patterns from the arm seals and was able to use those again, just in a very different way. This is for the left arm, I took some of the roundness of the middle shoulder piece out for the right arm version because the robot arm design doesn't have it. This whole thing could probably be made to look even better but I didn't have the time to experiment, so the goal was to look better than the last version.

I used half inch thick upholstery foam, and because I wanted a little variety in texture, some decently stretchy faux leather I have for a Nightingale Armor set from Skyrim. The amount of black fabrics I have is ridiculous. I sewed some velcro on the underside of the fabric before gluing anything down, that velcro is used to keep these seals on the base shirt and allow me to detach them to wash the shirt more easily. I used hot glue to carefully glue the fabric onto the foam pieces. I then cut out a base piece that had some excess around the edges, and super glued each piece onto it. I hand sewed the ring shut in the underarm area and trimmed around the arm hole and left the excess fabric that would be on my torso.


Trying it on. The shapes looking too separate concerned me, but wearing the armor chest piece sort of scrunches them together and looks better.


Now for a couple really small updates I was able to squeeze in before the con.

I heightened the back of my innermost neck seal to see if it would help keep my hair contained. I had mixed results, it mostly comes down to using enough barrettes and hoping for the best lol but I do believe it helped a little and took about 2 seconds to do.


I also finally got a visor from the GOAT Branfuhr Studios!

It's SO nice, I ordered a custom greenish silver, and I can see so well. Now that I can see decently and use the mic to talk it's a lot easier to communicate with people with my helmet on. It's not fitted perfectly to my helmet because mines custom sized and foam but I think it looks great. If anyone wants my mic set up details please remind me, I don't have any photos at the moment.


I also did some extra weathering on the whole suit. I honestly would like to repaint this whole thing at some point, I just feel like it could be better but I'm unsure how to do it? This dark grey is a bit hard to get it to pop. But I obviously didn't have time to tackle that kind of project, so I went with MORE DIRT.


Some currently unpictured things-
-I got a new base glove for my left hand.
-I widened the thighs a little bit to make sure they were easy to get on, I just added some material on the inner thigh where it would be least noticeable.
-I actually had to widen the belt with some elastic which was super last minute and annoying, because the new undersuit hips gave me the tiniest bit of wiggle room underneath and the belt was made very tightly for the last undersuit.
-I reinforced some pieces with some cotton fabric and contact cement or ShoeGoo, like the inner thigh additions and the boots, which actually made the boots hold up better than they ever have after wearing. ShoeGoo is good stuff and it is the thing that makes these boots wearable at this point, so I used a frick ton to glue some tightly woven fabric in there and it did it's job. I will probably forever use shoegoo for intense reinforcing. I've been using it for a couple years of repairs now and it is obvious why the king of ShoeGoo himself RandomRanger has such a love for it. Highly recommend.

Then I was free and got to enjoy the con!
This is the first time I was able to wear the suit multiple times at one event, because all the remaking and reinforcing worked! The corset worked amazingly, the boots stayed together, everything did better than it ever has. The zipper on my neck seal did split at one point because I guess its just not the strongest zipper, but it zipped right back together once I got it off when I was done wearing it. My robot arm is also struggling, it's been worn so many times and is such a thin piece that gets moved and squished a lot, but only one tiny piece actually broke and some super glue fixed that right up.



I don't have a ton of photos that show off the new additions yet, but gungnir_cosplay snapped this really cool one! Go check out his sick ODST armor btw, the paint is beautiful!


I think that's about it for now!
If you stopped to chat with me at Dragoncon thank you for making the time, I had the best time with everybody and got so many crazy sweet compliments, it was just a great weekend :) I'm so proud of my work, and that is largely because you guys always build me up and show me so much kindness over it. Reach armor is my white whale, I've been hoping to achieve this quality of a build since the game came out when I was 13. I'm 27 now and I've spent so much time making my 13 year old girl self some armor she could be proud of and feel badass in. I'm also so proud of the fact that I've been able to help others with their same dreams, and answer so freaking many dms over the years lol! Keep em coming.

Thank you for checking out my build :D

DMR that I'm "borrowing" is made by mwmanus (he can have it back whenever he wants but I will keep it until that very moment hehe)
A huge thank you to my husband for helping me glue stuff to myself, and to him, my sister, and my brother in law for keeping me hydrated and fed and cooled off


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I am constantly amazed by you foam armorers and your ability to understand the translation from 2D to 3D space.

I am trying to find any file that will be the base of the undersuit's belly, but I can't seem to find any. Here pipninja mentions using WandererTJ 's file, but I cant seem to find anything on it. None of the files in the Armory seem to cover the undersuit. I'm beginning to think I will need to make a mannequin like you did and draw a template from scratch.
It's definitely a great way to make sure it fits you nicely! I use my mannequin ALL the time, it's so helpful
The new build looks so amazing!!!!! Your undersuit is absolutely crisp and beautiful, that's awesome!
I'm always in awe of this suit every time I see it. The work on the armor is already spectacular, and the undersuit itself is a masterpiece and an inspiration. I know it's a weird detail to fixate on, but the contours on the ab segments blow my mind. They're so clean, they look like they're molded in.
Absolutely beautiful work! Whenever someone asks me how the the best under suits are made, I never hesitate to send them to your build!
I'm always in awe of this suit every time I see it. The work on the armor is already spectacular, and the undersuit itself is a masterpiece and an inspiration. I know it's a weird detail to fixate on, but the contours on the ab segments blow my mind. They're so clean, they look like they're molded in.
Ahhh thank you so much!!! That's one of my favorite details too, years and years ago when I first started experimenting with this build I was SO hyped to figure that part out, I feel like it's such a signature detail to the Reach design
Absolutely beautiful work! Whenever someone asks me how the the best under suits are made, I never hesitate to send them to your build!
Thank you so much Nate!! That's so nice of you!!!! I hope we get to troop together some day!
I just wanted to share some of the photos we recently got back from our photographer! This was a such a cool opportunity, I'll never get over it lol.

Noble 1 Carter - dat_boi_builds
Noble 2 Kat - carnage.cosplay
Noble 3 Jun - thirddimensionbuilds
Noble 4 Emile - suit.up.photography
Noble 5 Jorge - jtquantum
Noble 6 - Me
Photography - World of Gwendana





I had ZERO idea this was foam?!?!?!?! Phenomenal foam work absolutely astonishing work.
Thank you so so much!!! Foam is my #1 love! My brain is so much more compatible with working with my hands, though I wish I had the tech skill to integrate some 3d printing in occasionally lol!

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