Absolutely amazing! one of the best gun builds we have seen yet. Especially for the functionality side, its hard enough to make something look the part, getting it to play the part is seriously impressive.
Hey everyone, it's so good to see the forums are back up again. So I finally got my magazine a couple weeks ago and now my DMR is 100% finished! After I got the mag home I discovered it was about 1/16th of an inch too wide to fit in the mag well, so I had to modify that entire section of the lower reciever to accommodate it. That was fun =P
To make the actual magazine, I removed the original base plate, took out the spring and follower, and then cut off the bottom of the mag. With the mag now shortened to propper length and the bottom flat, I built the new DMR base plate around it. After the base plate was finished, I put the follower and spring back in the mag and put a few pins through the base plate and into the mag to hold everything together. The best part is it perfectly fits 15 rounds.
Here's some pics:
The left side pannel was much easier to pry off than the right one. Ironically, it was a good thing I didn't do a good enough job gluing it on.
That thing was on there!
Bullets and breakfast.
I didn't paint the arrows on and above the mag because I think it looks cleaner without them, and quite frankly, if you really need arrows to tell you where to put a magazine, you probably shouldn't be holding a firearm int the first place... you should be home coloring.