Dragoncon Parade 2014

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parada route.jpg
heres the route. same as last year

Alright we have 4 months to put off building our new suits and armor and then one month to build like crazy. That's right Dragoncon is 5 months away. This year I am work the con as a volunteer and yesterday was the first meeting. During the meeting I learned that the parade is already more than 2/3rds of the way booked. So we need to know how many to sign up, so sound off if your marching and how many your bringing with you. The parade rout changed last year and as of right now it will be the same. if you're definitely going to the con, but aren't 100% sure you'll able or wanting to do the parade, go ahead and post and let me know you're interested. Also if we are going to have a vehicle they need to know as soon as possible. I really just need a general number of people marching to give to the Dragoncon staff for our badges. and you don't need your actual Dragoncon passes to march, just the parade ribbons your signing up for here. if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.


Meeting Time: We start gathering at 8:30 AM. Depart from the Marriott at 9:00.

Meeting Place: At the Marriott hotel. Just inside their entrance in to their driveway.

need to know names and how many is in your group.

sarlume +2
Sean Bradley+1
Justinian117 +1
Cadet +1
Kaya tetsu
Link4044 + 1 1/2
TheBradinator + Tsabo Tsaboc
Shockwave + ChefBZD
Ronald + wife (gears)
weephun's +2
hydra + 1
Icon Props + 1
Desolate +2
calladar +3

if you're not on list just show up with us at the meeting spot and walk with us
I've already submitted the form on the D*con website, but I'll chime in here! Provided the weather gives me enough time to work outside I'll be there. Hopefully this year I won't experience a breakdown with the train, but not sure what the logistics will be for getting there with my armor :p
I'm still crunching numbers to see if we will be able to make it work right after RTX, but I intend to put the trip in our plans. That'll be three here if all works out. ^^
I'll be there, and I'd like to reserve one extra for now please.
Caboose and Donut are in.
I was wondering if there was a thread around for this. I'll be around again this year.

I'm hoping I can knock out a costume between now and then. I went to college and the parental units threw my crap out. lol. But I've only got two more weeks of classes and then I'll have the summer.
I plan on doing the parade, do I just sign here, or have to apply with the con for it too? Thanks.
I might not be able to have my friend come down with me, was hoping maybe someone had some hotel floor space i could share, will chip in for room price. Please let me know asap.

so update....you now have TWO new members joining you in the parade. please add Myself (Shockwave) and (ChefBZD) in your roster of member going to the DragonCon parade.
don't know how I missed getting signed up but myself plus 3 so total of 4

also Ronald the gears of war costumer (in the wheelchair) is going to be there and he was unable to sign up in time and was unable to get parade passes and I was going to see if we had 2 extra that he and his wife could use.
My lovely wife would love to join the parade group if you don't have a Cortana already.

Unfortunately the logistics of getting my full armor from Washington to Atlanta means Spartan Thorne is out this year.



  • era8yde5.jpg
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Blackblood, did we get registered in time? I know DC caps the parade registration pretty early.

Also, we should probably set up a time for the photoshoot. In the past we have done it in Saturday a few hours after the parade in the Peach Tree plaza above the food court. That has always seemed to work out pretty well.
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