Draw For Me!

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Here is what I came up with in a few minutes :

I wasn't sure if he is supposed to be a sneaky agile guy or a huge smash stuff guy. I can change anything you want, just give me some pointers to how you want him to look. I don't want to finish unless you like some aspects of it.
Alex spartan177 said:
Ok here is a little sketch I did at school. I dont think its that good, but it will give you guys some ideas.

I did some weapons(not that great), and the character. If you have any GOOD ideas let me know.



First off, I love the concept! Youve nailed the geared up/Old look i like it so far but i do have SOME critiques. The only thing i see wrong is hes a little to packed up. And i was looking for a gear inter-meshing effect. Asides from that the repirsator was done greatly!

Condor said:
Here is what I came up with in a few minutes :

I wasn't sure if he is supposed to be a sneaky agile guy or a huge smash stuff guy. I can change anything you want, just give me some pointers to how you want him to look. I don't want to finish unless you like some aspects of it.

First off, Sneaky ;), Second i like where its going but i think that his face should be symetrical and more gas mask like, i like the "made of gears" look, But i would base the face a little more like Alex spartan177's was. But all of these sketches are good and i suggest continuing.
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here is something i did in school xD

i would totally tackle this project IF there was some way for me to get the pictures to you, unfortunately, there isn't a way, as my sister won't let me use her camera and I don't have one of my own. If I do get a chance to post the picture, i will definantly do it! heres a sample of what i have drawn from once before when i DID get to use a camera. sorry that it's kinda messy


If I do get a chance, I'll PM you.
well, I just got a scanner, so I think i'm going to take a shot at this :) ill give you an update, to be honest I totally forgot about this forum xD
tomb-stone said:
well, I just got a scanner, so I think i'm going to take a shot at this :) ill give you an update, to be honest I totally forgot about this forum xD

Go for it! im always happy to recive new pics. in the end im going to do a composite of all submitted ones. if you submit , it goes toward the final design.

llinformerll said:
Here is mine, I liked what Condor did with his so I kinda used some of it.

dayum! keep going!
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dayum! keep going!


Oh I was thinking, is he undead? Cause thats kinda how I drew him, I was gonna add broken ribs, but i didnt know what you wanted.
llinformerll said:
Oh I was thinking, is he undead? Cause thats kinda how I drew him, I was gonna add broken ribs, but i didnt know what you wanted.

yes, jacob is dead, the suit is alive. so pale skin, cataract eyes, no hair, the undead look
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IroniumCostuming said:
yes, jacob is dead, the suit is alive. so pale skin, cataract eyes, no hair, the undead look

Ok, well I got some homework to do today, so I wont be able to work on it today.
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i started on the design and i'm liking how it's looking. i kind of imagined him like a out-of date terminator with clocks and gears, so his body is kind of mutilated as in theres sections where there should be flesh but instead theres gears and pistons, and it kind of goes from gears to flesh mixed with gears and back. He's also kinda rotting :)
tomb-stone said:
i started on the design and i'm liking how it's looking. i kind of imagined him like a out-of date terminator with clocks and gears, so his body is kind of mutilated as in theres sections where there should be flesh but instead theres gears and pistons, and it kind of goes from gears to flesh mixed with gears and back. He's also kinda rotting :)

if you can..post it!
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