Extra Life 2023 24 Hour Live Stream! November 4th is Game Day!

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Rock Lobbster

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Member DIN
Get ready to cheer because it's Extra Life Game Day and we at the 405th are getting ready to play Halo, live it and share our love of all things Halo to raise money to support children's hospitals.

Last year through the combined efforts of the community we managed to raise over $4500 USD to support multiple children's hospitals around the world and this year we're going to do our best to beat that number! Like last year our chosen hospital for the 405th Infantry Division is the Renown Children's Hospital in Nevada as a thank you to Art for hosting and managing the 405th forums that we call home. We've also opened the floor to all Regiment and Battalion staff to suggest hospitals local in each of the regions to also support if you'd prefer to help a location that's a little closer to home. If you'd like to donate to the cause or help spread the word that we're raising money create an Extra Life account and join our Team with the link below.

Excited to see what all we have in store for Game Day? Here's a preview at all the fun events we have in store for you! From classic Halo shooter action, to crafting, storytelling and even a few 405th challenges, we are celebrating the Halo Universe the best way we know how!


All type C and D 405th Members are welcome to join in the live broadcast and participate in the games, storytelling and crafting of the 25 hours (yes it's on North American Daylight Savings Time so we get a bonus hour) of Halo goodness on November 4th.

How to Watch
Everything will be live streamed on the 405th Twitch channel on November 4th! Set alerts on the schedule tab linked below!

Want to Participate But Can't Find Time?
We understand that November can be a busy time and that matching schedules is a difficult task. Luckily there are multiple ways that you can still support the 405th effort during Extra Life!

Share the news far and wide, every little bit helps! The following image can be shared publicly with the hashtags #405thinfantry #buildyourcharacter #honorarmorunity #extralife2023


Make a donation to support the hospital in your Regiment or Battalion area! Every little bit helps!


How to Join the Live Stream and Expectations
Only Type C and D Members are available to register for live stream events, this rule is in place so that full members that are familiar with the 405th have priority in joining in on time slots that they prefer. If you are close to meeting these requirements please reach out to your RMO so that we can create a plan to make sure you meet the prerequisites by game day.

As always 405th members are more than welcome to join in the fun. For this stream we'll be controlling video and game chatter and cameras through Discord. For those unfamiliar with the Discord everything is sorted into convenient channels, the important ones for this event are #stream-collaboration and the voice channels Stream Bullpen and Stream Live Chat. #stream-collaboration will have information such as the Steam and Windows Store names of party leaders pinned and easy to see as well as a list of the current game modes being set up. Stream Live Chat will be our dedicated stream channel with players sharing their screens for sake of switching on our stream, if you'd still like to play with the group but do not want your voice or screen please mute yourself but do not deafen so that you are able to hear any instructions from Stream Team Staff. To access this voice channel please make sure you include your name on the sign up sheet (linked Google sheet) and join the Discord with a name matching that of your forum account at least twelve hours before the Game Day stream commences so that permissions can be given to your account that grant you access to the voice channel

Session Sign Up Sheet
Extra Life Stream Session Sign Up

Discord Server Invite

To promote a good quality stream we require that all participants have stable internet (to limit audio cutout), a headset (no echo) and minimal background noise (nobody likes to listen to Dremels on stream). If you're participating in an event that has face cameras or your workspace please consider the lighting and background that you have in view.

Since this is a charity event for a children's hospital we're going to be strict on the PG-13 nature of the stream so everyone be on your best behaviour and stow the colourful language that's reserved for a higher rating. Accidents happen but cursing on stream multiple times will result in your audio being muted and your removal from stream if it persists.

Signing up on Extra Life
A helpful PDF guide has also been created to make creating an account, joining teams as well as reactivating old accounts and changing teams as straightforward as possible.

Vote for The People's Choice
The number one goal of the Stream Team is to keep viewers and streamers entertained and although we always play our favourite games, sometimes we want to spice things up even more and let the people at home decide what chaos we're going through. At the top of this post we have a poll of six options, you have one week to pick your favourite to be added to the Game Day roster!
Halo Trivia Power Hour (Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy)
Halo Wars 3v3 Team Fight
Book Club!
Spartan Ops (Halo 4 Fireteam)
Halo themed Golf games
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Short Update:
Guys, gals, and non-binary pals we've already hit our (short term) goal! Woohoo! Still plenty of time before the stream and you bet we'll be moving those funny donation numbers up, we're talking big stonks people!

Schankerz has also kindly noted that I forgot to include the Extra Life account sign up handy dandy helper sheet (oops).
If you're looking to join our team or even just make an account and you don't know where to go, this is it!

Hype Train has no brakes y'all! (Do people still say that?)
Keep up the outstanding work and I hope to see all your beautiful people on game day


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I also urge all folks to take a look at the sign ups, there has been a few notable changes for the event that have been discussed and aligned as of last night.

- 405th Game Night ( 19:00:00 ) will now be Halo Infinite instead of Halo: MCC. With the latest content drops there's now a healthy pool of core and fun game types that it makes more sense for viewing to make the switch this year. MCC will come back in next years format in a new capacity. This also means the lobby allotment has INCREASED. Advise your friends accordingly.

- Curse Halo ( 14:00:00 ) will now primarily be multiplayer, and has also increased in capacity. Due to schedule restrictions, we will unfortunately no long be partnering with InfernoFlare for the event this year but may in future years with revisited planning. Again, lobby allotment has INCREASED. Advise your friends accordingly.

- Costumed Halo Infinite Firefight ( 12:00:00 ) all ON DECK participants have been established for the event. We have a full map line up that will involve a hybrid of streaming resolutions due to a issue with script logic not allowing an "observer" into the session. In those instances, we will default to streaming live to Discord and capturing the player feed there instead of through the observer. Lobby allotment has INCREASED, but is currently at cap.

- For the Build Challenge ( 15:00:00 ) and Posing (17:30:00) segments, we are now inviting participants for these portions. please keep an eye on your direct messages via the Forum for your invite.

Any questions or concerns please consult your local stream team bestie, kthanksbye.
A huge thank you to everyone who participated, watched, and of course to those who donated and worked behind the scenes to pull it all off! I saw that the staff really had their hands full to make sure everything was even more organised this year, hats off to all of you. The goal we managed to reach is incredible. I was still riding the high through work today and twying not to tawk tuwu peopwe wike this.
The Stream Team has rested up a bit and would like to offer their heartfelt thanks for another year of amazing memories and a new fundraising record set! If you missed the live stream, make sure to check out the VOD and Clips for the highlights because this year was high tempo for the full 25 hours with constant laughs.

At the time of our stream ending we had raised $6129 for the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals and were in the top 200 teams for fundraising totals! This number is continuing to grow and donations can continue until the end of the calendar year.

I'm so proud of all of you who donated to the cause in various ways to help children either through sharing the word of our efforts, spending time on stream being a beacon of 405th goodness or direct donations to hospitals. Every bit of support helped make this year such a success and further showed what we can achieve as a community to help others.

If you haven't yet offered thanks to the wonderful people that put their time and skills towards making this event a success, please give a round of applause to our cast and crew Angus314 Asgardianhammer Benton188 BobRossIsMaDad CplYapFlip CrimsonViper97 Emp Frosty Fallen indigoD0g Jerverant Jevalow JTF4 KaeSpoon Kahn 319 Lukavago MarrowofStar MrJamin NewBrody NobleofDeath16 ODCA pipninja PlanetAlexander Purplehazey Rock Lobbster Schankerz SigmaProps SoleofDeath Spartan Of Vale Spidermonkey60 spitzkitz SubXzeroXhero tahu505 TurboCharizard Wayward Flood Wendi82 WolfsParadise5 ZettaiKagerou ZiggyGrimm. Thank you everyone for helping to make a difference!

The Stream Team has assembled a short survey so that we can plan to improve future events and distribute some treats to those that helped out <3
As of 11/8/23 the 405th team is ranked #186 overall and we've raised $6,304.

Our yearly stream has grown since the 2 part, 12 hour special in 2020 to now this insanely coordinated, 25 hours of chaos. Each year just seems to bring our community closer and closer while introducing new faces, new games, and as always, so much more Halo (sometimes played in rather whimsical ways).
A massive thank you to everyone who participated, watched, and donated to make this amazing community project come to fruition every year.

If I haven't said it enough, Thank you! All of you are amazing and should feel fantastic about what you've accomplished throughout this time. No matter how much you participated you were still an essential part of making this happen.
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