I just had a thought. Has anyone noticed that the Enclave Mk II armor is the same as the Advanced Power Armor the Brotherhood uses in Fallout Tactics. The Tesla looks a bit more like the old Enclave armor though.
Makes me want to make a Fallout Tactics Brotherhood version of the Enclave helm.
Awesome, we really needed some Tesla refs and more Tactics armor refs. That first pic of the T-51b is interesting too, looks different than the other renders from Fallout 3. Added them all to the first post.
Looks awesome! Glad to see the new link up to. I will have to add this one to my build list and get to it soon. I can't wait to see what this bad boy looks like once you get it fiber glassed. I have a few more 'Fallout 3' things I am trying to take care of.
Rehosted the Mk II and added it to the front page (since 4shared deletes after a period of inactivity). Thanks again smilie and looking sweet. BTW I cheated on my fiberglassing. It was only about 10C outside when I resined so I propped up my heat gun on its lowest setting (below and to the side, didn't want it catching on fire) and let it cure that way. Worked wonders and might be a solution for you instead of waiting for the weather to warm up.
EDIT: Added a couple new refs for the Advanced Power Armor Mk I
Found I think the only example of a Brotherhood Power Armor Costume to date. You guys have probably seen his Gordan Freeman costume and Halo Grunt costume. Looks damn good for a duct tape and cardboard build.
and I notices the reference îctures of this model are mirrored. You can see it due that opener thingy on the front vents.
Well anyone up for unfolding a pmodel??
Here is the fallout 3 helmet I promised to finish someday. I modified the ingame model for pep.
And I gotta say it was a pain to do. Everywere objects in eachother.
meh here is the 3d file of the helmet and a pic.