Fallout Armor Pep Files + References

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Giving this thread a BUMP just to see what everyone is up to. I'm still stuck in the planing phases of my armor, but I want to see how everyone else is doing.
fightstar said:
Giving this thread a BUMP just to see what everyone is up to. I'm still stuck in the planing phases of my armor, but I want to see how everyone else is doing.

Well i give up on waiting for my package of windows :( I ordered it but it doesnt come.
I'll have to find another option... Crossover on mac doesnt work iether.
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fightstar said:
Giving this thread a BUMP just to see what everyone is up to. I'm still stuck in the planing phases of my armor, but I want to see how everyone else is doing.

I havent taken a new picture but this is what i got. I get back to it when i finish unfolding and fold hunters Hornet i hope



rundown said:
Well i give up on waiting for my package of windows :( I ordered it but it doesnt come.
I'll have to find another option... Crossover on mac doesnt work iether.

try Parallels


EDIT: Old desktop but you can see i have pep open at the bottom a long with finder and windows thing
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An update is an update. Glad to see people still working on this. I know Bethesda Soft will be happy to see us armored up in time for Halloween this year. I'm waiting for the weather and some other Real Life things to come together to continue on my Belakor made Combat Armor.
Belakor has a bit of an update here. He hasn't finished the letter layout, but if anyone wants to help him go right ahead.

I'm going to continue with my combat armor once I can get out side with this weather and keep resining.
fightstar said:
Belakor has a bit of an update here. He hasn't finished the letter layout, but if anyone wants to help him go right ahead.

I'm going to continue with my combat armor once I can get out side with this weather and keep resining.

I have tried to Pm him but i get a message saying his Message box is full... Anyone have the Laserrifle or Laser pistol pepakura files ?

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The Swedish Chief said:
I have tried to Pm him but i get a message saying his Message box is full... Anyone have the Laserrifle or Laser pistol pepakura files ?


No pep file yet, but he is working on it and trying to get slicing going on this to make it easier to assemble.


I'll give him a buzz to his email directly and let him know what's going on.
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Sorry for the double post here, but there is an update. I got this message for Belakor so I will quote it a bit here.

Probably the best way for anyone that's wanting to get in touch with me would be to either PM me over on the RPF (http://therpf.com/member.php?u=4337) that's the only forum I'm really on nowadays. They could also message me on Flickr if they have an account or for email they could go through my site (http://www.belakor.co.nz/). At the bottom of each page there's an email link in the little copyright notice, that way I don't have to worry about spambots ;-)

He is hard at work for getting his armor ready for a con on the 4th and 5th of April so he will be hard to contact. After that time he did express interest in working on the Laser Rifle so hang in there every one.

Back to work for me on my Combat Armor. :D
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Did any one else notice this detail on F3 or was it just me with the top being flush to the helm not raised like the file

Ok so this is where the magic is happening.
Wow this will cut my time in half and save me major bank! I was going to do a full sculpt on all the parts :b
Hey this is awesome, my little brother is in love with this game. I think this is some awesome material for people to get into.

The helmet with the hoses on the face looks purely kickin. Its some really cool stuff.
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