Fallout X-01 Armor build 2024


New Member
Here is my Nuka Cola Quantum Power Armor I started to print in March approximately 6 weeks ago, my biggest printed costume to date.
Files came from CGTrader, I'm guessing they were scanned from the Threezero collectable, I needed to do a lot of clean up & mods to the mesh's before printing & reprinting,
Here is where i am at now... slowly working out how to connect everything together before making a body harness to attach every thing to.
Raw printed parts
X-01 Helmet
X-01 Partially assembled
curious about the weight, how much does this weigh? and are you going to re-enforce any of the parts, which would make it heavier.
I know the legs weight is around 2kg(4.4lb) together the shin peices are 10% infill prints for strength as they will take a bit of a beating & the upper legs are printed hollow to help with rubbing on my hips & jamming into the knee(if that works Idk yet),
the arm parts are 5%infill prints the elbo is 2 layer wall thickness TPU printed & is tough as is but the chest is so freaking heavy I may have to re-do is totally hollow weight unknow atm same with the back peice but is a lot lighter.
My 1st YT short video so you can have a quick look
... I dont have any of my build videos uploaded, but when (or if) I find my gopro I will drop the in YT. I do have some pics to add when I have more time.

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