Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]
Ok, another experiment. Undersuit was something I was very scared of and was thinking - HOW TO DO THE HEX PATTERN THERE.
Was thinking of many ways, but didn't want to use any foam - foam is making you less flexible and it hinders movement so I didn't want to use it from the start.
I had bought some sports fabric that's used for ventilation because it had hex pattern and tried using t as stencil. It wasn't bad but it turned out too small.
Lately, after A LOT of searching I found hex stencils, bigger, so I tried them out.
On the right you can see the sprayed paint. On the left - painted with hand.
I'm very sure I'll go and paint it by hand. It isn't perfect, but also it's small and you see it from very short distance, normally people stand more far away, especially for photos.
I think it came out great.

Sure, the painted with spray looks cleaner, but in Halo 4 Spartans had their underarmor with camo - it was very light, but you could see it.
So, from the distance the imperfections won't be visible, but the hex stands out a lot more with the hand-painted version.
Below you can see my SHIN, yup made a small part for testing. But it's just a shin, on the thigh you'd see it from farther away.
Yup. I know it's the wrong side of the fabric - I'm using another morphsuit for experimenting - when I bought it, it turned out too big, so I'm just using it for testing and experimenting - better to ruin the thing you won't wear anyway, aye?
This is my SHIN.