Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Spartan Commander Sarah Palmer) Build [+ more]

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Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

I stop in here from time to time. I'm intrigued by your build and am looking forward to watching it grow.

Thank you! :D Happy you like it. I quite often try to come to your thread - you amaze me with your craftsmanship with the metal... amazing.
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Alright. I'm back home.
I haven't done much progress though.

I have made the spinal parts again. This time I've cleared my template a bit more and did them to fit.
I am please how they came out. They are not finished and not glued, but I like how they look like.
(for reference the left "bigger" spine is older)

Also the parts fo the hips - I also made them again. They are more round and nicer, I think. Will fit better.
(for reference, the "white" hip part is the old one)


Also I was thinking of the shin parts. This is how they are, I only did a photo of one, but the second one looks the same.
I was thinking of how to do this. There is a lot more to sculpt on both sides, but it doesn't matter now.
I was thinking of how to make the front and back so I can wear it comfortably and I can actually put them on.
The back is cut out - if I wouldn't do it I wouldn't be able to put the shin on. With the front it is quite hard, but not impossible.
Lately I got this idea - I'll make front and back parts from foam, so they'll be flexible and I can easily put these on. Right?!

Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Yes, Foam as a lot of flex to it. You can make it tight enough to be snug but still have full mobility. I just finished assembly on one of my son's thigh pieces. He slips it right on. I made it a bit larger to allow growth (he's 10) so its going to be velcroed on the inside to keep from sliding down but you can easily make a piece to fit and not slide around.
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Yes, Foam as a lot of flex to it. You can make it tight enough to be snug but still have full mobility. I just finished assembly on one of my son's thigh pieces. He slips it right on. I made it a bit larger to allow growth (he's 10) so its going to be velcroed on the inside to keep from sliding down but you can easily make a piece to fit and not slide around.

To be honest I always wonder how people put on the hard shin pieces. The foot and ankle block all the way. o.o
I was thinking of this solution - get the back piece out, but I think to make front and back piece of foam and then just have some "clip" to put them together is a better solution. More comfortable and easier to wear I think.

Oh, that's a great thought that you made it bigger to allow him to grow! :D If he is just 10 he'll grow a lot. o.o
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Update on the soft parts.
The COD piece is finished.
The shoulder and hip parts in the middle are filled and prepared for something similar to plastidip. Yup. Some molten damage after plasma.
Shoulder and hip parts on the right are already finished with spraying. I'll have to paint these.

Actually, when I tried the COD piece on, the damage is a lot less visible.

Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

As always, it looks FANTASTIC!!! Actually how long have you been doing this for, years? the pieces are super and the quality and precision in every piece (I keep going back the beginning to review) is professional grade (I did say movie grade before and I stand by that). If you ever had an inkling to do this full time......Suit/Prop making.......I believe you could make it a full time business.
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

As always, it looks FANTASTIC!!! Actually how long have you been doing this for, years? the pieces are super and the quality and precision in every piece (I keep going back the beginning to review) is professional grade (I did say movie grade before and I stand by that). If you ever had an inkling to do this full time......Suit/Prop making.......I believe you could make it a full time business.

Thank, haha. ^^"
However, it's my first build, so I'm quite new here... ^^""

- - - Updated - - -

Alright, I have plastidipped (well, we have plastilak, which is similar to plastidip) the hip and shoulder parts. The only thing I regret a little is that I didn't spray more layers on the COD piece. No matter. I'm a short person, so noone will be looking at the COD piece from a close distance, lol.

However, now I have a question - I'd like to glue the pieces permanently to my morphsuit. Yup, permanently. Any idea what glue should I use? When I googled, I found that most people would use e6000 glue (the original made in USA, not fake from China). Help, please ;_;

Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Everything looks awesome puts my build to shame I don't have the patience for pep I've tried. I think the spinal piece will look great ..... Keep up the amazing work
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

I am on record many places for hating Halo 4 style of armor, and palmer being my most hated Spartan IV. that said this is looking beautiful.
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

However, now I have a question - I'd like to glue the pieces permanently to my morphsuit. Yup, permanently. Any idea what glue should I use? When I googled, I found that most people would use e6000 glue (the original made in USA, not fake from China). Help, please ;_;

E6000 is a highly popular craft glue. Waterproof and super strong on all surfaces. The down side is the fumes. It is very odoriferous and unfortunately, people have been claiming heath issues after long exposure to its use. Depending on the material you have.....if it's foam, you could try hot glue. I've had success in gluing small plates to cloth w/o issues. You would have to put a barrier under the 1st layer of cloth, otherwise you will glue the back side of the cloth on the inside of the front.......I know ....clear as mud. You need to prevent gluing the insides of your undersuit together. the hot glue has some give to it and once it has seeped into the cloth, it is very hard to take out. You could also try plumbers glue......it's used in connecting PVC pipes. Once it's cured......that's it.......you either cuts it or burn it off..........It's specifically used for resin to resin connections....plastic to plastic. No fumes non toxic. I would suggest gloves though. I have not tried it on cloth......You could also check at you local fabric store.....they should have fabric glue....I don't know the European equivalent but I have used it as well to some success.
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Looks amazing ! But sorry I can't help :(

Thanks and no problem. ^^

Everything looks awesome puts my build to shame I don't have the patience for pep I've tried. I think the spinal piece will look great ..... Keep up the amazing work

Nah, don't say that!
Just really, try to do it slow. :) No rush. If you're tired - do something else. I'm close to ADHD (well, never tested and I don't really want to find out either XD) and I just do it. With breaks, but moving forward. :)
No one's rushing you, pep when you feel like it but don't force it. ^^
Thanks. ;)

I am on record many places for hating Halo 4 style of armor, and palmer being my most hated Spartan IV. that said this is looking beautiful.

Thank you very much and happy you like it. XD
I actually LOVE the GEN 2 armor in Halo 4/5 and I really like Palmer as character, haahaha. XD

E6000 is a highly popular craft glue. Waterproof and super strong on all surfaces. The down side is the fumes. It is very odoriferous and unfortunately, people have been claiming heath issues after long exposure to its use. Depending on the material you have.....if it's foam, you could try hot glue. I've had success in gluing small plates to cloth w/o issues. You would have to put a barrier under the 1st layer of cloth, otherwise you will glue the back side of the cloth on the inside of the front.......I know ....clear as mud. You need to prevent gluing the insides of your undersuit together. the hot glue has some give to it and once it has seeped into the cloth, it is very hard to take out. You could also try plumbers glue......it's used in connecting PVC pipes. Once it's cured......that's it.......you either cuts it or burn it off..........It's specifically used for resin to resin connections....plastic to plastic. No fumes non toxic. I would suggest gloves though. I have not tried it on cloth......You could also check at you local fabric store.....they should have fabric glue....I don't know the European equivalent but I have used it as well to some success.

Thanks! I've read about the fumes when it's drying, it doesn't bother me especially after working with resin and rondo for so long. xD
Hot glue isn't sticking a lot to fabric, I think.
I actually thought of just doing the rivet snaps - I thought first of them, but then thought gluing the parts would make them more permanent and not stand out or anything... But I think it'll be better. I can always glue the snaps or something if I'd like them to be permanent. But the whole suit is flexible, gluing the part would make it sturdy and the glue would finally not hold it and fall of when moving. :/

I have hot glued to a morph suit and some times it works, other times it does not. the best case I have seen is attaching rivet snaps( http://www.ebay.ca/itm/20-50-100-se...hash=item3a8bafcd2e:m:mmh0p7Xxp-YT1LAK_6GOaiQ ) to both pieces at intervals and having it removable for storage/washing.

Thanks! It was the first thing I was thinking of. I just thought it might be better to glue it permanently, but after some thinking I decided to go with snaps, especially when the suit is flexible so it means the glue would finally not hold it and fall off. :/
And yeah, removeable for storage and washing is definitely a plus.
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Ok, another experiment. Undersuit was something I was very scared of and was thinking - HOW TO DO THE HEX PATTERN THERE.
Was thinking of many ways, but didn't want to use any foam - foam is making you less flexible and it hinders movement so I didn't want to use it from the start.
I had bought some sports fabric that's used for ventilation because it had hex pattern and tried using t as stencil. It wasn't bad but it turned out too small.
Lately, after A LOT of searching I found hex stencils, bigger, so I tried them out.

On the right you can see the sprayed paint. On the left - painted with hand.
I'm very sure I'll go and paint it by hand. It isn't perfect, but also it's small and you see it from very short distance, normally people stand more far away, especially for photos.
I think it came out great. :D
Sure, the painted with spray looks cleaner, but in Halo 4 Spartans had their underarmor with camo - it was very light, but you could see it.
So, from the distance the imperfections won't be visible, but the hex stands out a lot more with the hand-painted version.

Below you can see my SHIN, yup made a small part for testing. But it's just a shin, on the thigh you'd see it from farther away.
Yup. I know it's the wrong side of the fabric - I'm using another morphsuit for experimenting - when I bought it, it turned out too big, so I'm just using it for testing and experimenting - better to ruin the thing you won't wear anyway, aye? :D


This is my SHIN.


Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

PS. As for the damaged undersuit parts. If you ever looked closely in Halo 4 - John's undersuit parts were scratched and damaged too.

Look at his shoulder pads, hip parts and COD - they are pretty scratched as well... like I did. xD



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Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

man that looks incredible! very smooth looking build you've got there
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

I was happy with my earlier experiment of painting the hex-pattern for undersuit, so I went bold, took the morphsuit and started painting the hex pattern. It's slow and actually quite exhausting. o.o This is the result for tonight, I feel like it'll take A LOT of time to paint the whole suit. x_x
But, I'm very happy how it came out. Motivated to continue...

Also, if my arms won't fall off in the process, I'll be a very happy Spartan.

(PS. Now I notice I actually took the photo with my right leg, sorry there... My left ankle and shin aren't straight like they should be - an old untreated injury caused it, so sorry and don't mind it. ^^')

Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

That hexagonal pattern looks fantastic! Love the boot, and battle damage. It looks like you gave someone a major butt kicking!!
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

That hexagonal pattern looks fantastic! Love the boot, and battle damage. It looks like you gave someone a major butt kicking!!

Hah, thanks! ^^
I'm very happy as well how the undersuit comes out. It'll take a lot of time, but I'll be painting the whole suit. ^^
Aye! A loooot of butt kicking. :D
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