Sooo... Big BIG update! Yay!
Some real photos I didn't show before! \o/
Well, finally I took all the armor parts I've been hardening to take some photos.
Well, here is how my build looks so far.
Chest armor - front and back... Yup, it's rondo. I've started pretty much to work with it. Oh, and the back piece isn't fully fiberglassed, so it's still flexible.
I actually fitted them first on the mannequin and then I put some resin. Then I rondo'd it. Yup, just from outside. When it fully dried I took pieces off and resined inside. Front piece is already fiberglassed, but will need more rondo inside.
I used bit of the tape (just tiny bit, because I run out XD) to keep the pieces together and took the photos. In the future when I'll be binding them both front-back, they will be farther apart, because at this state they restrict movements of my head... and it looks bit funny, but yeah, just an inch farther apart and it'll look better.
Also, forearms - you can see they aren't perfectly smooth - slowly getting there.
As for the shoulder armor - damn. It was tricky. Why? Because it's a full closed piece and it's hollow inside. Same technique - resined from outside and then rondo'd. Then cut the piece out to harden it from inside. You can't see, but the shoulder pad isn't whole. xD
But, I think everything together looks nice. Nothing too big and nothing too small.
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Just more photos - one shot from the back (see the AI chip sticking out of the helmet?

)... and also me without helmet. XD
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AND.... Ta-da! My miserable skills with foam. I tried my hardest here withe these 'shoulder pads' and the crotch piece.
I dunno, I *might* redo the crotch piece to make it out of less parts... but I'm happy with the shoulder pads so I'm probably going to try to fill the gaps with something... (here, mightly foam users - what magic do you use to fill the gaps?)
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So yeah, I'll be off for a week visiting my mom, so everything's on hold. T_T