Thanks! I thought Chief has to have a very special paint on his armor that it still is in such good condition after such use... Normally we use our hands for literally everything... and if you touch, rub or use anything with a layer of paint on it it'll tear and wear pretty fast... So hence the wear. ^^
THank you very much!

I used the hexagon pattern only on the trigger finger as it;s actually the sole finger with such "protection" o.o Dunno why, but the thumb is unprotected... I'm not going to add there anything to not shorten the movements. I want to be able move freely in the suit.
View attachment 20924

They actually don't hinder the movement and articulation. I tested it too. I'm building the Scout armor and the pieces on the hands look bit bulky but it doesn't disturb me. I have smaller hands so maybe it's the illusion or also the Spartan models have very very long fingers too.
It's my first build and encounter with pepakura so I'm basically doing everything for the first time and I want it to be good... So I started with something small - the hands as a first try. Helmet will be the last thing I'll be finishing as helmet is something very important in my opinion and I want to have experience to work on it.
Here are to photos where you can see how it looks when holding the pistol. It doesn't really affect the movement.
View attachment 20925View attachment 20926
Anyway, finished the second glove and I'm very happy how these came out. It looks good to me and the people I asked in person they said it looks really good and it has the illusion of metal underneath the paint... which is great, it was something I wanted to achieve. I'll make some more photos in normal light soon.
Anyway, moved to feet. Yeah, I want to gain experience and working with smaller things first... So, in this case - the feet. Feet, something I started the pepakura... which is a funny story, because for the first time I printed these without scaling... and after finishing them I looked like a Spartan Hobbit. Later I resized them and it looked ok, but they were too big. Third try and I have these.
I'm using some cheap sports shoes, I found them whole in black which is great! I glued the pieces onto the shoes (just in important parts so they don't fall off) so they won't warp and they'll form properly onto the shoes. In-game the Scout shoes were on the ground, but for the sake of walking comfortably I made them so they fit with the form of the shoe.
Sadly, you can see there is a little bit of damage on one shoe... I pepped them like a month ago (today just finished the small parts) and once accidentally something fell on the pep. X_X On the other side I'll be using the bondo-rondo-thing, so it doesn't matter... but my pepakura was nice so it was kinda a bummer. XD
Today I did the first layer of resin on the outside.
View attachment 20927