Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Spartan Commander Sarah Palmer) Build [+ more]

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Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

I have faith. You'll get it done hell or high water......
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

A very small and minor update... but important to me.

FINALLY...FINALLY I gotten the emblem I wanted in Halo 5! There is Fireteam Crimson emblem and in my head-canon my Spartan is a member of that Fireteam and I like wolves and always chosen the wolf for the emblem. Huge coincidence, because 343i chose a wolf for the Fireteam Crimson emblem!
When I've seen it, I've been grinding to get the emblem.
Even better - 343i did the exact color scheme I wanted to have: light gray with dark gray + red. Maybe you recall, I have chosen the same colors for my armor!
Many coincidences, but damn I'm so happy! My life is complete now, hehehe ;)

The emblem will definitely go on my armor. In Halo 4 Spartans have their Fireteam emblems on left shoulder pad... sadly 343i didn't bother to show the emblem on our armor in Halo 5... so yeah, I'll put the emblem on the left shoulder pad.. Just thinking if I'll print it and glue onto the armor or paint it myself.


Also, I have finally put put the torso parts on the partial mannequin. I wanted to see how the torso will look like and also have it somewhere else than just laying around to not de-form them more.
Never shown the full torso here before, so... here it is. :D


In the meantime much progress on the butt-piece. The base colors are pretty much done, I'll have to paint the battle damage and in few places with light gray, because some paint got somehow under the tape while I was spraying.
And yeah, there is battle damage carved. I decided I'll do it more often.


PS. I should definitely take the camera to the basement once... working on the forearm pieces, shins (sanding all and putting more stuff,etc.) and started hardening the right shoulder piece...
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

I have faith. You'll get it done hell or high water......

Or if I won't make it in time I'll leave some pieces out, making it as battle-damage and missing. xD

Here, did some quick screenshots of Palmer's missing armor pieces... so yeah, it's always an option to show up as Spartan without whole armor, hehehe...

Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

I just started Sarah mostly to see if I can actually do it but I had a question...where did you find the pep files for the arms and thighs? Did you just use Masterbuild's (i think that's his name) other files for the male and scale them?

whoops never mind I forgot to download a file...definitely just had a blonde moment.
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

you do such good work! its very impressive!

A very small and minor update... but important to me.

FINALLY...FINALLY I gotten the emblem I wanted in Halo 5! There is Fireteam Crimson emblem and in my head-canon my Spartan is a member of that Fireteam and I like wolves and always chosen the wolf for the emblem. Huge coincidence, because 343i chose a wolf for the Fireteam Crimson emblem!
When I've seen it, I've been grinding to get the emblem.
Even better - 343i did the exact color scheme I wanted to have: light gray with dark gray + red. Maybe you recall, I have chosen the same colors for my armor!
Many coincidences, but damn I'm so happy! My life is complete now, hehehe ;)

The emblem will definitely go on my armor. In Halo 4 Spartans have their Fireteam emblems on left shoulder pad... sadly 343i didn't bother to show the emblem on our armor in Halo 5... so yeah, I'll put the emblem on the left shoulder pad.. Just thinking if I'll print it and glue onto the armor or paint it myself.

View attachment 21974

Also, I have finally put put the torso parts on the partial mannequin. I wanted to see how the torso will look like and also have it somewhere else than just laying around to not de-form them more.
Never shown the full torso here before, so... here it is. :D

View attachment 21973

In the meantime much progress on the butt-piece. The base colors are pretty much done, I'll have to paint the battle damage and in few places with light gray, because some paint got somehow under the tape while I was spraying.
And yeah, there is battle damage carved. I decided I'll do it more often.

View attachment 21975

PS. I should definitely take the camera to the basement once... working on the forearm pieces, shins (sanding all and putting more stuff,etc.) and started hardening the right shoulder piece...
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

I just started Sarah mostly to see if I can actually do it but I had a question...where did you find the pep files for the arms and thighs? Did you just use Masterbuild's (i think that's his name) other files for the male and scale them?

whoops never mind I forgot to download a file...definitely just had a blonde moment.

Nice! I hope you'll post updates of the progress of your build! :D
It was somewhere here in my thread - I used Master Builder's files. He only did the female Scout, so you can either be female Scout or Palmer. :D
As far as I remember the files are for 205cm height, the exact same height Palmer had in the game... so unless you are this tall, you have to change the scale.

you do such good work! its very impressive!

Thank you very much. :)

really love the emblem you made for yourself ^^

Thank you very much. :D
However I can't take any credit. It's 343i who did the job and it's just a big coincidence it this helmet contains what I love. :D
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Okay, okay okay... I need my buddy 343 Guilty Spark to walk around and talk with him "I'm a genius." :D

Today I made an experiment with the visor for my helmet. Big experiment.

I tried some stuff I bought earlier for this... TranspArt worbla, these laminated transparent sheets (that you can stick a paper between and laminate it) AND even tinted film used for car lights.
Worbla didn't really work for me, it was distorted and I didn't really like it but it was also thick and didn't bring out many detail and and and... The laminating sheets don't work AT ALL. They get bubbles very fast and you can't form anything with them.
Oh, and what I finally used for the visor is this tinted foil. I bought it blue and it's great. It's lighter than on the photos but it's very blue, just how I like it.
Also, the visors are quite soft and flexible... which I wouldn't count as a con, because later I can always make them fit the helmet perfectly.

My experiment worked! (and I gained some knowledge)

Here is the finished result:

I did two visors for myself - one normal and I had some stuff left so I used it for second one and made it cracked and damaged.

Also, one the video it's bit hard to see the cracked visor, so here are some additional photos:


I'm quite proud of myself. :D

I'll still have to do the hexagon pattern on the visors and make them metallic looking so my face won't be visible from the outside.
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Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Looking very nice. I may have to pick some up as well when my scout helmet gets here.
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Looking very nice. I may have to pick some up as well when my scout helmet gets here.

Thanks! I'd can recommend it, at least for me it's a great alternative. ^^

Looks Awesome!!!

Thanks :D

Also, spent little more time and finished the cracked visor... experimenting, hehe.

Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Now how did ya pull that off? Because the effect looks very nice.

Thank you! :D Well, as before, this is the tinted film used for car lights and I airbrushed it with chrome transparent paint, earlier I put the hexagon decals. :D

I'm so sorry for spamming... I just keep updating immediately after I do some progress... ._. Compulsive-obssessive. ^^"
I wasn't really satisfied and happy with the hexagon pattern because it looked bit... plastic.
So I tried removing it just a little bit and this is how it looks now.... and aye, used the "cracked" visor first as experiment if it'd work. :D
Now... I can say I'm 100% satisfied. :B

(PS. it's almost impossible to see, but in the cracked visor there are few very tiny holes :D )
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Alright, this is definitely LAST update for tonight.

So, I can count both visors finished. Though, I plan to be wearing the normal visor... I might think of somehow installing something so that I can switch visors, but otherwise I'll be wearing the normal one, mainly because of all the cracks it's very hard to see. XD


Here is an extra, I did photos before and after airbrushing with the chrome, showing how I can see through the visor.
It was really hard to make the photo because the camera kept re-focusing... It got bit more foggy because of the chrome paint inside and the hexagon pattern, but it's still good and easy to see through.

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Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Looks great!! Keep up the good work! Good luck on the completion date.
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Your build is movie quality stuff. It is amazing.
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