It is seriously looking great, Mara. I can't wait to see you wearing the whole ensemble
It is seriously looking great, Mara. I can't wait to see you wearing the whole ensemble
Each part of this looks fantastic, put together its spectacular!
the attention to detail is what really makes the whole thing pop I think!
Man, last time I was active you had just signed up and started a year later and you are almost done with an EPIC build. Congrats, can't wait to see it finished!
*claps* I don't have words that'll do what you've done here justice. You've done one heck of a job!
Absolutely fantastic! keep up the great work, one of the best builds i've seen!
I'm loving this. It looks awesome and it looks like you're quite good at this too![]()
*claps slowly*
*bows low*
We are NOT worthy!
I found this thread primarily through a search for the under layer of an armor set, but I ended up looking through your process and I have to say I am highly impressed by your dedication. You've supplied me with a huge piece of advice I needed when you said how many resizes you went through near the beginning. It's easy to get discouraged when each piece takes so long to put together, but the experience speeds things along for the next attempt. Great work!
That's really to bad about the helmet, what can you do though right? But everything else seems to be going very well! If you don't mind me asking what kind of magnets did you use for the magnum and thighs? And how did you install them? I plan on doing the same for my build for both my thigh piece and maybe even the back of my torso if it's possible.
In the meantime I attached the straps and buckles on the shins as well.
Here are the photos of my fit test.
Also, I just tried the butt piece there, it was attached just with some tape.
Yes, tape is very helpful... I've been scared of attaching the straps and buckles to the pieces, because it's permanent, meaning I can NOT screw it up... or I'll have a lot of fixing to do.
So I rather test it multiple times with tape, figuring out where it should go.
After I tested it, I went out to attach it... and now just waiting for it to harden.
I may be overly cautious. I know. Someone wrote to me I could use hot glue to do that instead of rondo.
I've tested hot glue and it isn't hard to remove it from the pepakura pieces and I need something strong and reliable, not to constantly worry if it will hold or not...
So, it may be an overkill, but for attaching everything I always used rondo and fiberglass.
Also, I'm testing the straps now, figuring the perfect height for the thighs and shins.
View attachment 32381
View attachment 32382
Thank you.
Yes, you are!
Thank you! I'm very happy to hear I could help.
I think the issue isn't addressed enough and many people don't realize it often (if not mostly) takes you few times to get something right. And after first attempt, they can get discouraged, thinking they failed... Just the attitude is the key.
You can get discouraged OR you can get motivation. YOU GAINED EXP from that one attempt. The second one will be easier and faster as you already have the knowledge of doing that... and there is a big chance that it will be just right... or better.
Just being honest, you can get something right at the first attempt VERY rarely... unless you're a genius.
I agree, it can be frustrating to spend many hours on cutting out and gluing all the pieces... only to realize it's too big or too small.
Then just take a break, play something, watch a movie, take a walk... and start it again tomorrow.
Huh, I never really thought about how the magnets would wreck the foam but I can see that happening now that I think about it. I think I'm going to play around with the idea a bit, make some test pieces and see if I can figure something out. Thanks for the info! You may have just saved my build from destroying itself!![]()
Can I ask where you got the yoke from? It looks like it's from an old military combat vest. It's absolutely perfect, from what I can see. I think I'll try the same method, but which vest/rucksack did it come from?