Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Spartan Commander Sarah Palmer) Build [+ more]

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Made the second trigger finger piece and now the gloves are finished!

I have to say I'm very pleased with how the gloves look now. Very clean, crisp and sharp.



Also, no idea if needed or not but I have actually recorded footage of me crafting that trigger finger piece...

Also facebook reminded me of the photo I posted year ago... so yeah, this is me a year later. XD


Today came that moment. That moment where I've finally started working on the helmet! :D
My goal is to have it all finished til the end of the week and get it ready to paint.
Started off with the sides on the top as I thought they'll be most troublesome. Originally the pepped thing was edgy and I had to make it all round and smooth. And it's the biggest area with smooth surface... so I thought it'll be a good point to start with, so now it should be easier.
I count it as MUCH progress done today. BOTH sides on the top are pretty much finished, will just have to fill the holes on the left side. :3

Heck yeah! Lookin' papeesheewoosh in all forms!
That helmet is gonna look great. I need to try that. Bondo'd helmet plus foam details. :D YES.
Holy moly I should of checked here sonner (so many things I need to say)
Spartan55 Nah, no problem, you can write here, if it could be a problem it could possibly help other people.

-//- UPDATE -//-

Alright, shoe plates detailed with foam, just have to carve out few additional details and can paint them.

View attachment 244041
I fixed the problem i put pieces of foam between the gaps

Sorry to back track on the conversation, but in the book "First Strike", after all of blue team crash lands back on to Reach and Fred has a moment, he successfully replaces a broken hydraulic seal on his suit by salvaging a piece from a fallen Spartan's. He was remorseful to do so but to para-phrase the book: "To not do so would dishonor the gift of the parts and that over the years, the Spartans had been able to do minor repairs on their own." I think that they had rudimentary knowledge of repair to their suit but only when access to eggheads was unavailable......like in the middle of a mission.
Yeah thanks for the memorie jog
Good point

Yeah, I've noticed the photography skills, but I've mostly been focusing on the background. I know it's weird, but it's a habit of mine...:lol: CP's photography skills actually make it hard to point out stuff that I'm not supposed to. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad one.:D

Also, Cmdr, is the base coat of the boots grey, or is that just primer? I can't tell what that spray can in the background is.

Anyway, boots look awesome...just like everything else. (foam rules! xD)

That^ cracked me up, ReClaimer8015. I must say, 405thians are the best! :D
He dose... he once noticed i had a ice cream tub in the background of my photo.... he even figured out it was vinnila ice cream.... but it makes me every laugh every time
I probably shouldn't have but I already have started doing details. ._.
These aren't properly glued yet, just barely secured to see how it looks O_O
Too much hype.

View attachment 245239
And omg this is looking amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!
mblackwell1002 I've seen some people using that before, hell I even spotted this method on some helmet casts people are selling. XD
And since I tried out on all other armor pieces, I really like doing those raised details with foam. <3
And thank you!

Spartan55 - Thanks. ;)

-//- UPDATE -//-

I've been slower these days as I was watching E3... which was very disappointing, like, the worst E3 I remember. ^^"
So, no big progress, still have to finish detailing that thigh piece and painting other things.
Finished sanding for day. I have to say I am in love! :D
It already looks so good, smooth and sharp on few edges.
Of course still have to sand on few smaller areas to make it all smooth, but majority of the work is finished! :D
Also, removed those 'ear caps', I'll make them separately, I rather removed them to have full access to sanding. I regret I glued those pieces in the first place when I was pepping them... Oh well. You learn something new every day. ;)
So happy! Didn't think I would like it so much.
It isn't perfect, it won't be perfect. But it's the best I can do and I'm actually very happy.
Oh, and I finish it tomorrow I'm certain now :D

Doing more patterns.
What is funny, pretty much just the top of the helmet is uber detailed, whereas the bottom is the opposite.


Made the details on the top. I left out the details on the sides as I might yet have to sand in those areas...

Doing more patterns.
What is funny, pretty much just the top of the helmet is uber detailed, whereas the bottom is the opposite.

View attachment 245437View attachment 245438

Made the details on the top. I left out the details on the sides as I might yet have to sand in those areas...

View attachment 245439View attachment 245440

That. Looks. AMAZING.

At the same time though, it makes me want one.:mad::p Which is a bad thing, because I have way too many projects already...:D
Spartan55 Gonna join the epic and godly Scout clan? :D

mblackwell1002 Thank you! <3 I am just gonna tempt you to join the uber sexy Scout clan. <3

Seriously, there is no sexier helmet (and armor) than GEN2 Scout. <3

-//- UPDATE -//-

I'm on a roll! Made a selfie yesterday for motivation and see how the parts look like on a head. Those side ear caps were just attached with tape though.


Already working today though. I will finish that helmet today, well most of it. I still have to think about what to do with the chip area in the back. o.o

Dirtdives Of course. :ninja:

-//- UPDATE -//-

Alright! Finished doing details. Well, almost, because there is only that AI chip area left, but I have to think about it whether just make it standard or make it appear so as if there is a chip inside... Also, just fix few things like cover some air holes that gotten into bondo earlier, smooth out few areas and pretty much... finished. o.o
I really like how it looks like.
TBH I didn't think Scout helmet had SO many details. I often looked at the helmet - I LOVE Scout set, just I always thought it ras rather... simpler design. Well, it is still rather simple, but I like how smooth, round but yet detailed it is.

PS. Like in all other armor pieces, I won't make it perfectly smooth and perfect. And I won't sand and polish it with high grit paper. Why? It all makes the armor piece looks pristine and new and I'm making a battle-weathered and scarred armor, and it all adds more reality.

Will you use spot putty for filling in those small imperfections? It would make it look cleaner and nicer than it already is...just sayin' :) I just think the face could use a little work. Looks nice, but not super crisp edges. I also think some finer-grit sanding needs to be done in certain areas to really smooth it out.

And yeah, I think I'll be joining the Scout clan sooner or later...for one reason or another. I mean...formal dance + partial Spartan armor equates to YES! I'll be Chief for sure, but you get the idea. If that is allowed, anyway. :D

Oh wait, I just saw that last post! Looks so grand-spanking good! Very nice! I still think some higher-grit filling and sanding is needed, though. Anyway, looks amazing!
The detailing is looking awesome. Are you using contact cement to adhere the foam to the bondo? How well does it adhere being a hard smooth surface? I feel like if an edge of the foam was to catch something it would peel up a bit? I'm asking because I'm thinking of trying this method on some 3d printed pieces. I'm in a bit of a time crunch and don't want to spend the time tho if it can easily peel off.
Also, I do realize it looks like **** with all those different colors and all, but I personally don't have much issue with it - it's pretty much how I did ALL my armor pieces. ._. Also especially here it was important to me to attach the foam to the clear are, not covered with anything... just in case.

mblackwell1002 Have to fix few things, like some of the air-holes on the bondo and fix few things, sure. :) I just wanted to add few details... and then all and realized how many details Scout really has... ._.
And nope, I don't really plan going with high grit paper. I never did with any of my other pieces. The sandpaper scratches aren't deep, but after painting (I do multiple layers of spray painting, no idea how others do it) it isn't really visible at all, just some minor scratch here and there and I really like it. I do armor that has seen battles, that has some damage, weather to it, scratches, bumps and more. It would look bit weird if the whole armor was pritistine and perfectly smooth without any scratch on paint, just on the edges and few areas where metal is showing through. Before paint fully chips, scratches and before you can see metal, it is much easier lightly scratched on paint.

SI3RRA 117 - I've tested it on many armor pieces already. I'm using super glue. Contact cement it bit messy and takes waaay too long. Super glue is fast and great. <3 I never had any problems so far with foam pieces coming off. I rather had problems with foam ripping apart when I tried to remove the foam part. ;) Earlier before I started improving my armor I had very few foam pieces, never had problem with them coming off. Super glue worked like a charm, no idea how other glues work.


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Last update for today.
So, yeah. I didn't finish the helmet today as I earlier planned. BUT I am actually very happy with the progress. What caused the delay? I didn't expect so many details TBH. I love Scout, but I actually didn't realize there were SO many of them. o.o

Last I did for today was the AI chip area at the back. It isn't fully finished, I'll have to sand it tomorrow to match it with the whole piece, but I want to make an AI chip sticking out of it. Honestly I don't care if it should or shouldn't be like that, I want the chip to partially peek out and that's it. As you see, there is Cortana's AI chip keychain - I won't use it. I'm gonna provisionally mold and cast it, I'll see how it works out. Actually, I'll be using just half of the chip as the full chip would be sticking out way too much and half of it is the perfect size. Looking forward to it and I hope I won't fail at it... T_T

PS. I just realized on the photo that I forgot to glue two small parts on the left side! Just gonna do that quickly and I am really looking forward to go to bed.

As I said, I cast the AI chip, well half of it because it wouldn't fit otherwise. I don't have silicone and such, so I had to make it the n00b-way, but it worked! It turned out great, both the n00b mold and the n00b cast.
Now I only had to sand those pieces to make them thinner and also so they fit together.
In the second photo as you see- they fit together great... and yep, helmet seems to be finished too! :D Now just have to seal the foam pieces with the heat gun... and will finally prime the whole thing. o_o


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