With out trying to be too nosy, what do you think would a ball park figure (price wise) for someone looking to build their own vac table?
I don't tend to keep track of how much money I spend on these projects. If I did, it would probably kinda piss me off. You can find some really great information about building your own vacforming table from the Thurston James book titled "the Prop Maker's Molding and Casting Handbook" as well as at http://tk560.com/vactable4.html. Make sure you do plenty of research before you start buying materials. I'm not exaggerating when I say I spent ten years thinking about ways to improve upon the designs I'd found before I actually built my machine. While I'm not suggesting taking that long, I do definitely recommend taking your time.
In other news, the health pack looks like so now:
I'll be taking off this afternoon, so I won't be in the workshop tomorrow to work on this. At this rate it'll probably be Monday before I start making pulls.