Jr Member
You sir are a god, loven the work! Keep it up and keep those smoken pics acommin
Greatest toy in the world...The CNC machine..... MIND Sploded...
Would it be worth it to break it down into smaller parts and then vacuform it?
is vac forming sturdy? whenever i see somone doing it i think, now, if someone sits on it, wont it crumble?.... i just think it looks like those cheap plastic masks with no faces, that you stick feathers on and paint. or is it that the plastic is thicker or something like that :S
long time ago i saw my tripmine file being used hehelooks great!
...only thing i see wrong with it is the scope. if you look carefully at the picture or if you go ingame you will see that the eye end of the scope curvs with your head of a nice snug fit...
You guys pepped all these first and got them to look the way you wanted before you molded them didn't you?
Just curious really, I've molded add-on parts for my Gundam kits but nothing of this size.