Finished my Custom ODST 1/6th Figure: Rookie from Halo 3: ODST

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New Member
Heyo! First time posting here!

Been working on this since March and I finally finished it! First time working on a 1/6th scale figure and maan was it a blast! And it was a very rewarding also!

You can check my work also on y IG handle: @benny_ben10


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Saw this just before from the 405th IG Story! I would LOVE to know some of the processes you took to make this.
oh man the process was a looong and difficult! the early stages were rough since i had to prototype a lot and convert the armor into 1/6th! That whole process took the entire month of March. And this was during the time when I was using my FDM printer before I won a resin printer.

Anyway's the process is basically cosplaying! But smaller! LOL, luckily i have experience on cosplaying! Attaching the armor was basically done with a strap system that you normally see for the 501st Legion. So i interpreted that into my ODST and bam! The ODST has "articulation" LOL, painting was easy, just color match with the best of your ability!
Congratulations on the feature!
thanks man! felt really honored to be featured by them! now i need to finish the entire team now!
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