First armor - Making my Halo:Reach armor

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Yea definitely. I will probably pick some up tomorrow. One thing about the foam clay is that when you sand it, it tends to rip which makes it very difficult to use. You almost have to get it perfect when it is still wet which is almost impossible because it sticks to everything. I'm still gonna do some testing but that is my experience so far.
Use water to thin out the foam clay. So like when you apply it and you want to help it spread just get your finger tip wet and spread it out. Also I hear the clay can stain clothes so look out for that.
I did thin out the clay. Maybe I just need some more practice with it i got it to spread pretty well but when I go to sand it after the fact it rips out of the seam if I'm not really careful. I'm sure once I get used to it, it will be easier to work with. If you know why it keeps ripping on me that would be amazing. I like the concept of it i just can't figure it out lol
I think thats just how the clay is. From Kamuis video about it it doesnt take being torn well either. So its probably very much a shape and let it set. Water will probably help extend the time you can have to work with it too.

I decided I wanted to make the shin rather than the bicep because I was a little irritated I got it too small. I got one shin done. It took me about a day to finish and I stayed up late last night to finish it and get it glued up I ran out of contact cement so I switched back to hot glue to finish it up.
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This is the shin with the boot and I am starting to get very excited with this armor I can start to see it being finished. I really enjoy working with foam it is much more forgiving than pep in my experience atleast. Today I am going to make the second shin and hopefully finish it. So I can get to bed early lol. I'm not sure what I'll make next I'm thinking ill go to the thighs so I can get the legs done but idk
Awesome … Those leg armor is so nice...keep up the good work.
Thank you so much man.

Very small update:

I am going to make another me today lol.


I am still working on the thigh I should have it done today hopefully and then I can start on the second one. If any of you have any advice on the duct tape dummy I would love to hear it
As for duct tape dummy tips:
1. do at least 2 layers
2. cut short strips instead of long ones. This prevents you compressing your body into the wrong shape
3. place strips both horizontally and vertically
4. have a helper who does all the work
5. Use 2 chairs or something to hold your arms in place. You'll be standing a while.
Awesome thank you and should I do legs and torso at the same time or separately? I still haven't decided on what to stuff it with do you have any suggestions. And also what knees did you do on your armor? I'm sure I can go find that info but I'm a bit lazy lol.
Ah yeah, that makes sense. There weren't any files before I made mine, so I made this unfold. Unfortunately it hasn't been added to our armory yet, but it's on it's way in there. For the time being I'll upload the file here for you :)

Edit: actually, this one might be tweaked by Colt, but ah well. It's basically the same as mine was.


  • halo-reach-mjolnir-mkv-fj-para-knee-foam.pdo
    127.5 KB · Views: 248
You're already doing better than I did on my first build. Just take your time, pay attention to detail, and it'll turn out great I promise :)
it'll turn out great I promise :)
Thanks man I hope so ive wanted this since I was a kid.

Yea in reality I started like a week before then. I've been working on this pretty much all day every day for the most part. I'm starting to think I should have timed myself just to see how long each piece actually takes but I just got so into it I totally forgot to lol. I didnt think I would get this far in the first place lol i am a little worried about the helmet and super worried about the under suit, I've maybe made a tool roll on the sewing machine but that is about it. I can sew leather by hand all day long but I cant use a machine for the life of me lol.
Finally got those layered pieces on but I now have an issue of it is a fair bit too small at the top and too wide at the bottom but I can't scale it bigger because it is at the max length my leg will allow so I need to splice in a piece.


Do i splice it on the inner thigh where the layered pieces are or somewhere else im not quite sure what to do at the moment.
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