First Build - Halo ODST

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Well...that was so... umm between messing up sizing and tons of failures due to improper installation and stuff. I was able to print 2 forearms... they might be abit.big but w.w I'm

Time to start working on thigh and shins eventually but this will probably not happen unless I get my marine done first since it has less to do than this set and be done before I move out of my apartment JPEG_20200401_202041.jpgJPEG_20200405_194055.jpg20200330_221521.jpg


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Sanded and reassembled the helmet today... should had done it outside but oh well... I also slight sanded the chest plate.

Bought someone templates for legs. Gonna try it one day after the move. In the meantime, gonna spend some quality time sanding when it's nice out.

Looking for ways to reinforce the joins especially where the top bucket meets the rest... currently being held down by superglue, 2part epoxy and duct tape.

I'm thinking copious amount of hot glue and welding it.

Good luck prepping for the move. It'll be so nice to have a dedicated space for printing/crafting.
Project resumed

Odst vest 1 failed. Bad seams and hot glue wasn't great but tbf. I didn't sand seams, use contact cement or heat shapped the foam before assembling.

I'm going to work on this again this week once when I remeasure my avatar in armorsmith and use better techniques for crafting.

Not too bad for first complete foam build but tons of improvements can be made.

I'm hoping this week to redo the vest this week.

In other news. Most if not all pieces are printed. I need to finish sanding them before priming and painting .


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Lol, if you look at my odst build thread I did the same exact thing to my ODST chest. I ended up chopping the sides and that brought it down to a good size. i'm sure you can salvage it.
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