First Build - Mark VI Infinite/Halo 3 Kitbash


New Member
Hello! Overeasy posting on mobile, I'm not very familiar with the site or posting to a forum in general so please bare with me.
This also will be my first ever kit...ever!
So far I've primed and painted two helmets and my shoes and I will be showing you my step by step process how I've gone about things.

Helmet V1(2023) -

My first kit was originally going to be a Rakshasa/Halo 3 Recon kitbash as seen below.


Concept art by yours truly, depicting Easy V1 2023

At first I wanted something easy and (what I thought at the time) affordable, something with a lot of mobility (and pockets).
I'd bought my first helmet from Branfhur studios along with a clear visor and as soon as she arrived I began sawing, sanding and priming.


I'd dyed and chromed my visor following this method very closely.
[Visor chroming and dying]


Moving onto painting, I covered her with a black primer and then followed up with an Apple red and GM red1000000348.jpg1000000349.jpg1000000350.jpg

I'd forgotten to record my cleaning and weathering process on both helmets but I'd just dabbed the helmet with a paper towel soaked in brown and black paint slurry and then dry brushed around the areas I thought would give the helmet more depth. I also dropped the helmet down the stairs and covered the dinged areas with Silver Rub n' Buff as well as the edges.

Unfortunately I had gotten way ahead of myself on painting and weathering the helmet that I never checked to see if she was proportionate to my height and anatomy (she was not.)
Fortunately though, I did find other uses for her, that being a display bucket!
(Signed by Steve Downes and Jen Taylor at Huntsville Comic and Popculture expo 2024)

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This will be the only same day follow up because I wanted to split the helmet process' up to be less confusing!

Helmet V2 (2024)

In my previous post I stated that Easy's original concept was going to be a Rakshasa(Infinite)/Recon(Halo 3) hybrid because of affordability and mobility but I hadn't kept in mind the price the softbody and accessories would wrack up.
I threw that idea out the window, instead going full throttle and making my first kit a kitbash of Halo infinite's MK VI and Halo 3's recon armor.

I had come up with two pages of concepts for the paint job but ultimately landed on one and a possible switchable helmet.


Easy V2 2023, Concept art still by me

This time I had since purchased a larger printer, an Elegoo neptune 3 max and was able to print myself a new helmet, slimmer and better fit.
(Although, Branfuhr Studios' resin casted model will always hold a place in my heart)


Before I printed the helmet I actually worked on the boot in 2023 before taking a small haitus. With the boot I had taken on the sand then fill with bondo method (did the same with a couple of props) but with the helmet I adopted the resin method to fill the lines in first and sand after (with some exception areas).



I also added using Filler primer to help with the lines I missed.
I'd also added some bondo for the deep scratch in the back.

I followed the prior painting process, black, red then automotive red then the white accents.



For the visor I made a make shift one using Gold tint, PET sheets and Chrome spraypaint.
Like I said before,I Hadn't recorded the scuffing and weathering process but its the same as the last post, dropping down the stairs, covering the scuffs with Rub n Buff, the paint slurry...

The end result I'm very proud of!


Side by side comparison of Easy V2 and Easy V1

This time I added decals from ODST 422 which really pulled the whole thing together.
oooh it looks great, and your concept art is fantastic! <3 Recon users always catch my eye cuz that's the helmet I wanna make eventually! I love the little decals too, so much personality!
Hey hey I know that tutorial! Your visor looks great!
Nice signatures too!
Yeah!! Your tutorial helped me ALOT, it was so easy to follow and very informative, gonna do the same process once I get my new visor for v2 in! Also thank you! It was definitely a dream c9me true to meet the both of them
oooh it looks great, and your concept art is fantastic! <3 Recon users always catch my eye cuz that's the helmet I wanna make eventually! I love the little decals too, so much personality!
Thank you so much! Yeah it took me quite a bit to figure out what I wanted in the new concept 2 pages worth of paintjobs...and I can say the same, mainly because the recon armor has always been a favorite! Hoping to have a kit with an EOD helmet and H3 scout (my #1) in the future.
I can't wait to see your kit come to life!
Thank you so much! Yeah it took me quite a bit to figure out what I wanted in the new concept 2 pages worth of paintjobs...and I can say the same, mainly because the recon armor has always been a favorite! Hoping to have a kit with an EOD helmet and H3 scout (my #1) in the future.
I can't wait to see your kit come to life! View attachment 346515
well all the concept-ing paid of for sure! Excited to see all of your future endeavors too! :D
I'm slowly accumulating a "Pile of Shame" of incorrectly sized helmets. Most are too small, though I do have a Thor Ragnarok helmet big enough to put a small child inside.

Your painting and weathering are spot on, though I don't think I'll ever have the confidence to drop my helmets down the stairs in the name of accurate wear and tear. :lol:
I'm slowly accumulating a "Pile of Shame" of incorrectly sized helmets. Most are too small, though I do have a Thor Ragnarok helmet big enough to put a small child inside.

Your painting and weathering are spot on, though I don't think I'll ever have the confidence to drop my helmets down the stairs in the name of accurate wear and tear. :lol:
Yeah I learned from trial and error by just printing the 5th layer of the bottom of the helmet first and seeing if my head can fit through comfortably but I know that doesn't always work depending on the case.
And thank you!! I also use it as a durability test but I'd never be able to do it with something like my shin guards...those are thin enough...
Quick update!!


I've gotten a pretty good amount of the suit printed 22 parts out of 29.

Unfortunately I had developed a small allergy to resin (contact dermatitis), nothing a little steroid shot and cream won't fix.
I will have to wait until the small reaction on my face goes away and heavier PPE equipment come in to continue applying but it shouldn't be long until all the pieces are printed out (and Sheila, my printer, can take a much deserved break).

Once I finish applying resin, sanding and painting the bottom half, I will come back with a detailed update on the kit.

Currently doing research on padding and how to rig a suit while I'm forced to wait to continue.
If anyone has any recommendations on what to do with the kit, rigging, padding or anything that would upgrade it in anyway feel free to share or even give me some constructive criticism on what I've got going so far, it would be greatly appreciated!



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Progress looks great! How many rounds of resin and filler primer are you using? The boots look awesome, is the tread printed or rubber mat?
Progress looks great! How many rounds of resin and filler primer are you using? The boots look awesome, is the tread printed or rubber mat?
Thank you!! I give my self around 3 layers of resin, one or two more on rougher parts and then two hits of Filler primer, the treads are printed and I've added some foam padding on the bottom, gonna add spray on rubber for traction!
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