First build - Mirage Core


New Member
Hi there,

For those of you who dont know me, Im Wing, Mnkr’s identical twin brother. Until recently I have mostly just lurked and hopped in discord for the occasional game night.


However, years of watching my brother(and the rest of you) make cool stuff (and getting to steal his marine suit for a few conventions to match the one he made for my son) has made me decide to get back into 3d printing for the first time since college. To tackle this i acquired a Neptune 4 Plus and am now about 2 weeks into messing with it.

For my first project im tackling the mirage core with the Mk7 helmet and TAS Netmoon attachment. Mnkr got the helmet printed for me as a christmas present and i decided well ill already have a helmet, might as well buy a printer and make the rest of the suit.


I have already printed a few pieces since getting started and so far I’ve printed my fingercaps, hand plates, 1 forearm (at the correct scale, i test printed it a few times trying different orientations on the build plate and at different scales before i was able to get mnkr to help me with proper scale) and my Netmoon.

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Glad to finally see you joining the family business, Wing!

If you need any help on bits, or things resin printed just let me know it'll save you plenty of time on clean up and I got two resin printers that I can churn and burn.
Glad to finally see you joining the family business, Wing!

If you need any help on bits, or things resin printed just let me know it'll save you plenty of time on clean up and I got two resin printers that I can churn and burn.
It only took years of Mnkr bullying me to do it lol

Thanks, ill definitely keep that in mind!
I'll add to what Noble said - I have 2 FDM printers (including one with a larger print volume). Happy to help assist with prints if you need anything. (or even sharing guidance)
I'll add to what Noble said - I have 2 FDM printers (including one with a larger print volume). Happy to help assist with prints if you need anything. (or even sharing guidance)
Wing Jamin is in Madison and actually printed my Anubis fyi

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