First build- MK Vb with a touch of EOD

Teal and copper was my original colour scheme idea for a Mandalorian armour, but I think I've changed my mind on that one (making custom armour is SO challenging because I end up with too many ideas and colour schemes I want to do, lol). I'd considered going for an oxidized look but I don't think that's quite the colours I want to go for with this character.
Teal and copper was my original colour scheme idea for a Mandalorian armour, but I think I've changed my mind on that one (making custom armour is SO challenging because I end up with too many ideas and colour schemes I want to do, lol). I'd considered going for an oxidized look but I don't think that's quite the colours I want to go for with this character.
Fair enough! Just throwing out ideas as they come lol. I know the struggle of trying to decide on Mando armour. That was my original plan as well, before I made my spartan. Though I haven't completely forgotten it just yet. Maybe some day...
I'm definitely still planning a Mando at some point! Though my current colour scheme idea is metallic blue, antique gold, and white, with a black under suit. I need to get the colour scheme for that (and my Spartan!) figured out so I know what colour undersuit to make (especially important for the Mando vest, since the armour has to fit properly on top of it). I'm leaning towards just doing all black under suits because that's easiest, and goes with everything, lol. I'm also having the colour scheme problem with a custom Jedi since I don't really want to go with beige. I'm leaning towards blues or greens for that, but it will depend on what fabric I can find (I really don't want to try dyeing it, since it's really hard to get consistent colour across the amount of yardage a Jedi needs!).
Amazing detailing on the helmet and suit! That heavily weathered style is perfect for an EOD build. Even the color scheme screams EOD, bright like a walking hazard sign. That soft bag looks great too, where did you find it? I'd love to have one for my kit.
Amazing detailing on the helmet and suit! That heavily weathered style is perfect for an EOD build. Even the color scheme screams EOD, bright like a walking hazard sign. That soft bag looks great too, where did you find it? I'd love to have one for my kit.
Thank you! Yeah, that was definitely the intention lol. I took a lot of inspiration both from the bomb squad troopers from the clone wars, and the concept of “warning colours” from nature

As for the bag, I found it on Amazon. I highly recommend it. Great space and comfortable to wear. It’s got a nice little pouch on the top that fits a phone perfectly. Plus, it looks like it could actually belong on a Spartan lol. Here’s the link for it! On the condition that I get to see some pictures of it on your kit ;)

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