First Build - Recon MKV(B)

Here are some pictures from Katsucon, I have quite a few revisions I would like to redo like my harness and adding extra interior clips so stuff doesn't move to much.
Yes I can sit in it too :cool:
I'm tossing around the idea of doing the Yoroi core with the wet crow coating after my mk.7 has had enough. What color did you use for the dark gray slate color and did you use a specific gold?
I'm tossing around the idea of doing the Yoroi core with the wet crow coating after my mk.7 has had enough. What color did you use for the dark gray slate color and did you use a specific gold?
So actually I got really lucky my hardware store still carried some cans of the dark grey. I bought like 10 for $6 each? It was enough that I had 3 cans left over. Seems noone around me carries this dark grey or anything similar.
I had found 2 cans of a dark blue grey but it was to blue honestly.
However I went to an automotive store that could match the exact dark grey blue color wet crow is and they originally quoted me like $40 a can. Which is not worth it to me lol

The gold is pretty standard and I found it all over. Which was honestly surprising. I used a q tip on the small stuff to give it a dragged worn look with the paint though.
The real thing to pay attention to is the sealer. Since it's a matter sealer it strengthens the color alot and makes it's deep. I had used 2 different kinds for this armor and if you look at my shins you'll see it's color doesn't match perfectly with the rest and it's due to the sealer.
So actually I got really lucky my hardware store still carried some cans of the dark grey. I bought like 10 for $6 each? It was enough that I had 3 cans left over. Seems noone around me carries this dark grey or anything similar.
I had found 2 cans of a dark blue grey but it was to blue honestly.
However I went to an automotive store that could match the exact dark grey blue color wet crow is and they originally quoted me like $40 a can. Which is not worth it to me lol

The gold is pretty standard and I found it all over. Which was honestly surprising. I used a q tip on the small stuff to give it a dragged worn look with the paint though.
The real thing to pay attention to is the sealer. Since it's a matter sealer it strengthens the color alot and makes it's deep. I had used 2 different kinds for this armor and if you look at my shins you'll see it's color doesn't match perfectly with the rest and it's due to the sealer.
Thanks for the all the info, it may still be a minute before I do it but I'll definitely save this and come back to it
This is awesome work. Congratulations on your journey from being inspired to inspiring others. I admittedly just found this thread, and have learned a lot from it. I particularly loved the way you did your harness and am a big fan of the Emile shoulder.

You mentioned that it was originally magnetized but was too strong to pull off. Smart move going with the leather strap, but can I ask how you attached the sheath for the knife to the shoulder? Is it also magnetized?

Thanks again for the great thread!
This is awesome work. Congratulations on your journey from being inspired to inspiring others. I admittedly just found this thread, and have learned a lot from it. I particularly loved the way you did your harness and am a big fan of the Emile shoulder.

You mentioned that it was originally magnetized but was too strong to pull off. Smart move going with the leather strap, but can I ask how you attached the sheath for the knife to the shoulder? Is it also magnetized?

Thanks again for the great thread!
Thank you! I really hope others find it helpful with all the reference pictures. I honestly should have done a video
The harness has been trial and error, keep having to resew the strap closer cause of the sag it causes lol

So the magnet was way to strong and glue made it so I cound not remove it. So I went with good ol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ screw it.

So I took a screw going from the inside of the shoulder to the inside of the back of the sheath. You don't notice it at all. It's also how I attached my shoulder pieces to make them modular. Makes it super easy to take apart and carry. Glue would not have been enough unless it was epoxy cause each shoulder is roughly 2-3 1/2 lbs. Except my light scout one.

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