Very good. The paint finish is impeccable ... I hope to see more photos
Thank you, I had a heck of a time getting that final blue coat on. I used the same "arctic blue metallic" as I did on the helmet except this time both spray cans I bought decided to leak around where the nozzle inserts into the top of the can. Every time I'd press down to spray, it would also blow out paint all over the top of the can and my gloved hand... Good thing for gloves or I think my hand would have been permanently blue. I still can't figure out why that was happening. I should have more pictures up by the end of the weekend, detail painting is now in progress!
Why must you be so awesome?
I can't help it I swear! It's not my fault! Haha thanks. A good chunk of it is just having patience with what you are doing, it's funny how there are a lot of times I have no patience for things in life but when it comes to this work it could take months for one part and that's fine by me.
Thanks! It's chugging along... Can't wait to move onto my next part of the armor (the boots).
Amazing! The coolest Mark VI chest I've ever seen.
Thank you for the comment! I'm glad you like it

I tried to do something a little different with the paint scheme. I don't think I've run across any mk vi builds that have paint like this.
This is by far the best armor I have ever seen I'm my life. You have an amazing gift. The detail is incredible. I love the method of using a latch system to secure both sections of the torso. +1 Sub.
Thanks! It's almost scary if you go way back to August and look at where I started and compare it with the torso now. They are two totally different animals. I'm glad you like my latch system, I formed the latches directly into the armor itself but I still think I need some kind of a safety fallback incase anything ever happens and the the latches break that would be disastrous if the sections separated and fell off me. I know the majority of the torso would survive but the thrusters would be a total loss.
You see this _/-\_. That is my hat, and it is definitely off to you that is for sure!! Keep trucking brother it looks amazing!!
Thank you thank you!! I'm trucking away, I can't wait till the day comes when I can put on the whole suit!