Unfortunately, that's just how our hobby is :/ We've all done something like this AT LEAST once. The legs and arms are BY FAR the hardest parts to both make comfortable and believable. As for the thighs, I'm not too sure how to help without seeing pictures. I'm a fairly skinny guy, so my thigh armor needs to be significantly "padded-out" and I have to wear knee pads to bulk out the joints. It also helps to keep them held up onto my belt so there is minimal rubbing and bumping. Post some pictures and some of us here might have some suggestions/solutions.
Thanks. I appreciate it. Just some 2am venting. I'm not skinny. I'm 5'10" at 200 pounds (177cm at 90kg) and not excessively fat. For 56years old I'm not horribly out of shape but 'padding up' has never been my situation.
Scrolling to the top of this page there are pics of the upper body being tried on. Its all good. Didn't have issues with arms etc.
And bare with me as I've already started cutting parts out so there is no 'before' photo.
Even on the avatar to work out scale, I could see there was some hitting but it seemed only at the top and I was going to cut out that section anyway to give this more of the TV show appearance. So I thought "ok, that'll work".
But once on it became clear that even the remaining 'strap' all the way around the leg at the bottom of the thigh is still hitting badly. And it becomes clear why in the live action show they smoothed all that out. Its one of those things that you see in hind sight and can't unsee, but wasn't so obvious at the start of the project because there are 10,000 other details. These files have a big clunky bit on the inside of the leg, the show clearly does not and that's got to be for this same problem I'm running in to.
Hmmm... "Hind sight" might be a better term now than I first thought.

I think I also made the thighs taller than I should have. Mine are going a lot higher up on the hip than those live action versions. And I don't think that's just a stylistic choice, but a practical one. The live action versions had to work for, ya know, live action which is what real life requires as well. The tops of the thighs there line up at about the tail bone. Mine are just below the hip: That's a lot of difference and no time to make new ones. But that goes back to what I said before about the scale of the models: 85% around and 55%-60% in height just seemed like really screwed up numbers and I just couldn't imagine that would be the need from a set of files if someone had actually made and worn them before releasing them.
In short... I think the files I bought were maybe made for someone with skinny legs. Someone that could take them down 60% uniformly and still put them on. I am not a 'skinny leg jeans' 20-year-old.
In the show they smoothed and thinned all that area out to the thickness of a strap. And that's what I'm going to have to do now too. {Queue the power saw}
When (not if), when I remake them I'll scale them down considerably in all directions knowing I have to cut out the entire interior portion. The big issue there will be if they still fit. These are this size because they wrap around my legs and fit. Too much smaller and the inner circumference of the part will be less that the outer circumference of my actual leg. But that's a problem for another time.