First Halo Foam Build

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Don't know just yet, i want to finish the chest then the cod then finally the helmet. Hopefully the chest will be done soon!
Ahh... That's more like it, I can finely see every thing in one screen. ;)

You're foam work is looking good. I'm looking forward to seeing how this comes out. :cool
Thanks! Well... Once again the chest got delayed, due to a school trip and my sibling's grad tomorrow. So hopefully it will be finished or close to being done by this sunday. Hope it turns out awesome!
Looks great boss man. i really like the ipod attachment and your foam work is excellent, looking forward to the final product. Keep up the great work.
Finally the chest is finished...

Hello everyone! Sadly i have been lazy and haven't been working on my suit lately, so i finally have gotten around to it and i've finished the chest! Well i think... Here are some pics!





Well that's it folks! I added the filling in the sides and the ab plate, but am thinking to put something in the little opening that's left. Maybe just do something cool to fill it or something.. Ideas and suggestions would be greatly apreciated! Thanks!
Boy... this is gonna be a lot..

Well after a long long time... I have done a lot of work on the armor and have lots to show that will have to be in two posts haha!
Well here is the suit a while ago when i was showing it to my friend at his house one afternoon. Looking pretty good!




Here's just a small add on i did to fix the shins. Before they were just flat so i added on some foam to raise the knees to look better and to they wouldn't be so flimsy.

Another is i re-did the boot block/cover thing with some thiker foam and added some thinner foam to add raised detail on the sides.

As you can see the old ones were kinda ugly haha and were also too flimsy haha

Here they are on the boot. Looks 100x better in my opinion haha!

Here is the foam knife i made now plasti-dipped.


Here is also the knife that I'm making from plexiglass that i saw another guy do to make his knife so kuddos to him for the idea of using plexiglass!

Just a comparison of the knifes.

Ok! Here is the front of the cod.

One of the sides that can both detach from the front of the cod.

Here it is together without the butt plate.

Here is me holding it on to test how it would look.

And the back without the butt plate.

Here is the old butt plate that i thought looked too small and it was haha

Here is the new one i just made and will add on as soon as this post in done haha

Here are them both together to show how small the old one was haha!

I always thought the arms could be improved and so i thought i'd dig out some old hockey gear and found this chest protection gear.

It fits just nice haha

And it makes the whole thing look better with something to bulk up my arms and shoulders.

Also it really helped cause before I had this big space to fill in the bicept but now with that under suit chest piece it fits great!

As you can see it looks and feels a lot better!

Well I'll see about posting some more progress when i finish the cod and more of the suit! Thanks for looking! Till next time!
That looks awesome. I love the working pouches on the sides. Also, the use of the sports armor to "buff out" some is a good idea. It might also help with holding the biceps up.

Can't wait to see more, brother.
Thanks! I actually made the peices myself cause the ones for the file didn't want to work with foam haha they came out great! Got the shoulders glued and the cod finished and the thighs attached now to the cod to hold them up so all's left is the helmet to finish, figure hout how to hold the shins up/in place aswell for the biceps too. then painting!!!
Looking good so far! I like the hockey pads idea. With a family of hockey players, i have about 4 of those things sitting around lol. How easy is it to move your arms though, with those shoulder plates on the hockey pads?
wow this looks great Draxon! been wanting to do some armor from reach as well but been busy with my odst build but seriously good work man! you inspired me to try this when im done with the odst! Suscribed!
They're not too bad to move around in but they to stop you from raising your arms very high.
Thanks! I'm actually starting an ODST haha! I really can't wait to work on it and hopefully i can get it done for when it's nicer out and go play airsoft with some friends. I got the most part of the painting for halloween done and it was awesome! Saddly there wasn't many pictures.. meh... haha they'll be up in a few minutes
here it is mostly painted

Awesome! i got everything painted enough to be called worthy of walking around in so here is a few pics of when i got the halloween party!

Here's when i first walked in. There was a symphony of jaws being dropped when i walked in haha!

Aclose up of the helmet and yes.. it's missing the black paint, the red on the sides, the white stripe on the right jaw, lights and padding. Anyways, it came out awesome!

Here's me with a nerf gun someone handed to me haha

Here's me with 'Bat'-man??? Who i later (after the picture) shot and T-bagged in return.

And here's me with without the helmet. Ahhh!! my face.... haha Also showing the ipod attachment.

Well that's it! I have also completed the build but am taking a few days break before i finish the painting and adding some minor things such as the knife, paint duh.., a spine protector thingy, the fanny pack that i might make, the helmet attachment, the helmet padding and lights. Besides that everything is pretty much done! Any comments/critics/tips are welcomed. Untill next time! Peace!
Wow, dude! Awesome job on the armor! Of course, don't forget to do some battle damage, add pockets on the chest, black and red paint on the helmet and decals on the chest. But otherwise this looks awesome!!!
Yepper! There's still a way to go but i will hopefully soon have this done. Because of the cold weather and me having nowhere to paint it i have to wait a while untill i can finish it. so for now i am starting to make a pistol and i have started to make an odst witch i will post on another thread when i have more done.
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