first project: ODST

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Your ODST looks like its coming along great. I see you found Hugh's files. His are some of the best around, and most of them are fairly easy to assemble. The shins are probably one of the more difficult pieces of the set.

Good luck!

Hugh's files are not some of the best around... at least in my opinion... They are THE best, Even though the shins are quite large, they are still more easily constructed when put agains say the HD Mark VI chest, or more relatable, Dutch's helmet.

jai-006 I envy you, sir. I can hardly find the time to get some work done, and seeing your makes me want to finish all the more. good work mate.
well unfortunately the weather wasn´t that good:/ so i only got to resin three parts



sorry there hasn´t been any update, but as i am dependent of the weather here i had no chance to continue working on my odst..

but as soon summer reaches germany too i will finish it :D
Weather forecast says tomorrow will be better and friday even more with around 24° ;) lets hope for the best. Where are you at? I'm down south.

Kepp up the good work. Curious on how everything turns out!
ok i finally had a chance to work on my odst pieces, but rain surprised me ..

anyway i ordered polyurethene resin resinpal 1801 and wondered if it was enough to strenghten the helmet (which i am working on right now) to make it wearable.

did anyone try this or something similar yet?
And here i go again.
just found my pepped pieces soaken wet in my garage..

the only pieces i might save are the gauntlets, the knee part, the helmet and the left thigh.

well as i said, here i go again, printing out the files, cutting and glueing them together.

update coming soon
What!? that sucks man, That was a lot of pieces too! Well at least you got some practice out of it right?
On another note, If you rebuild the helmet, or for some pieces you are going to rebuild, Thre is a way to smooth out a piece to make It easier to pep. Since you're probably using designer to scale the pieces, on the top bar there is a "Setting" tab, click on it and go to "Other Setings...". At the bottom there is a value box that should have "threshold" by it, this number is defaulted at 175, but 160 you can get away easily with. It'll take out some folding lines, making them pep process easier and later bondo work (if you (do it)!)
i think i will use different files than i used the first time. more pictures and information will follow during the week :)
Talk about a bad luck :(

If you are to use different files, though, I cannot recommend Hugh Holder's files more vehemently. it takes a while to get used to his box-like approach (see his thread), but the results are amazing. Plus, they ain't that hard to pep, either.

Don't lose hope, and keep up the good work!
i will definately use hugh´s shin, tighs, gauntlets and shoulders. i found a file which includes all the packs, hip plate, belt plate and butt plate in one file.
but it will take a while to get all the pieces pepped again..
ok finally got the forearms and helmet done



i don´t like fiberglassing.. but as i already started one forearm i finished that one and filled the other one with biresin G27 .

it´s a resin that turns in kind of a foam and gets hot like hell while curing. and the helmet is also filled with that resin.


a friend of mine wearing the finished pieces


now i have to pep all the other pieces..
@ Croc co: i use normal household glue for all the pepakura models.
yesterday i finished the shin piece and used this resin called "biresin G27" which turns into yellow plasic within 135 seconds. by using this i have no need to resin the outside with some kind of polyurethan resin :D

@ Bulbxsaur: unfortunately the side morphed a bit and now doesn´t fit me anymore :/ i am thinking of making a different helmet and i like Jun´s helmet a lot, so i think i´ll make that one next.
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