Foam ODST Build!

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Alright, so figure I knock out my rucksack today,, this is what I got so far!
Is the rucksack just for looks or are you planning it to be semi functional to some keep of your small personal items in?
Nah just aesthetics, don't see a way to make it useable...unless hmmmm maybe some 4k gauss magnets and make it detachable to access, hmm nah I'll just go with your idea with the flashbangers and incendiaries and dives duty pack
So while I was attaching my rucksack with contact cement, my sister decided to light up a candle for me to smell it, well...the armor may have engulfed in flames in my shed...sooo that happened, little bummed, probably look up some other armor ideas like SPI or something, hmmmm maybe my Halo 4 armor that I rock, dunno yet, so guess I'm closing this forum, thanks for all the ideas peeps, I will definitely include it in future builds!
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