Free 3D Model Index

I am painfully aware. Probably why I can’t find one anywhere!
I'll be lucky if this thing works in simplify3D/cura. Still have to do the back and top.

I will literally drop everything I’m doing and make one of these if you finish it!!
And it's Finished. I was able to simulate a clean print with simplify. This was a tough one for me.

Updating for Halo 4 - Enforcer Helmet: Halo 4 - Enforcer Helmet by moesizzlac


Untitled 2.png

Untitled 3.png

Whomever made the original here was a mad lad I'll give them that:
Contributing my first helmet here!
Halo Infinite - Rakshasa Helmet by Unfit Armory

concept art and Model references can be found here:
high quality render by Lyaksandr Prelle-Tworek
Concept art by Molly McLaughlin

Modelled in Blender 3.5
Renders and 3d Printed test:
Screenshot 2023-11-28 100515.png
Screenshot 2023-11-28 100155.png
Screenshot 2023-11-28 100316.png

Do not sell physical copies without my explicit permission, and/or the files. Common sense!
apart from that, feel free to do whatever you please!
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You guys have done so much for the community and I hate to ask for something, but does anyone have a printable Hazmat core? No problem if not but it would be greatly appreciated.
i made a helmet stand special for the 405th i ran it past Asgardianhammer first he said it was good to post for free here this would be great if you are going to show off your helmet at a con and it has the 405th logo stuff. enough of the legal stuff the dowel for this is 7/8" if you ae going to use pvc instead of the file. the 405th logo was posted by Asgardianhammer him self so this way all credits are given.


  • 405th-offical-logo-horizontal.stl
    141.2 KB · Views: 140
  • Dowel Placeholder.stl
    77.8 KB · Views: 114
  • Topper.stl
    4.3 MB · Views: 144
You guys have done so much for the community and I hate to ask for something, but does anyone have a printable Hazmat core? No problem if not but it would be greatly appreciated.
Working on that next. There is a lot of fabric in that one so the hard parts are going to be smaller than a usual set.

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