For Clarity's sake, here in the 405th we have several levels of voluntary membership,
Worainu .
Just by registering a Forum account you are considered a 405th Member.
Once you have been active on the Forums for over 90 Days and have made 50 constructive posts you are eligible to join your local Regiment, which is a Regional Sub-Unit that organizes in person convention, community event, and charity appearances. A costume is not required to join your local Regiment and work with them at events.
Once you have joined your local Regiment
and completed a costume, you are eligible to go through the Deployment Program, where your costume is awarded one of three Tiers based on Construction, fit, and accuracy, and you are awarded your unique Division Identity Number, a number that tracks you through this Program and in the 405th itself.
There is no Rule or Policy that you may only display your awarded DIN on your armor. You are free to customize your costume however you see fit. That said, it can cause confusion if you display a number on your armor that has been awarded to another member. That is why many members will either wait to display a number on their armor until after they have gone trough Deployment, or will check the list of awarded DINs in the Deployment FAQ and with a Division Membership Officer, also listed in the Deployment FAQ, to ensure the number they want to use on their costume and in their Deployment Application has not been issued yet. However, there is no "claiming" a DIN ahead of time as they are awarded First Come, First Served, as it were.
Hello, and welcome to the 405th Infantry Division, the world’s premier Halo Costume and Prop construction community. This document is designed to help answer some of the common questions new members have about our organization and its Forum or Message Board. First, what is the 405th? As...
Membership FAQ How do you become a member of the 405th? If you are reading this, then chances are good that you are in fact already a member! The 405th has several levels of voluntary membership where an individual can choose how much they want to be involved with the 405th and how much they...
Congratulations on building your first Halo costume! You've taken your first step into a larger world. If you wish to delve deeper into your passion, your next step is the Deployment system. AugmentedHuman013 and MNKr are the current Division Membership Officers if you have any further...