Full Scale Elite Ultra Helmet Replica

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Well-Known Member
I needed to learn how to resin, rondo, and bondo before I do my suit so I decided to make and share a halo related prop, since this is a halo forum. I always thought that the Ultra was the coolest type of elite so I chose to make the helmet! I finished the pep today and I plan to resin it tomorrow. Thanks to fat-hi555 for the file!


Its warped because its full scale and almost 2 1/2 feet long so the paper bends downward, especially the mandible guard and the fin thingys.


Sorry for the blurry picture.

Enjoy. :)
It really doesn't look too badly warped considering the overall size of it. Nothing some supports can't fix when you resin. That'll be a nice piece to hang on the wall. I'll be looking forward to seeing it when it's finished.
That. Is. Awesome. I don't think I've seen an elite ultra before.

If its still warped after resin, you can use a heat gun to get the resin soft, then bend it back into shape. That might be useful for a piece this large. This method works even if you put the fiberglass cloth in it. I don't know if it will work once bondo/rondo is on it.

Can't wait to see this done.
Heres what i would do. I would hang it by the noes and jaw covers when resining it. That will stop the weight from pressing everything down. Add a support to the back of them helmet on the "fins" to keep them lined up.

resin, fiberglass and bondo are pretty self explanatory.Just read the saftys and do it once and you will have it down.
I wasn't going to reply until I updated this but seeing as I got quite a few replies I might as well answer all the questions. Thanks for all the compliments! :) As for supports I have all of those done and all of the warping is fixed. I was going to resin it last night but right when I brought it to the garage my buddies came over so I had to go. Hopefully I'll resin it today and maybe even harden it.
Small update. I got sick and I'm all congested so I'm not going to resin till I'm better, so while I was sitting here bored I looked up reference pics to make the pep a bit more game accurate. So far I've done the supports and widened the sides of the fins with balsa wood and cardstock. I might extend the back of the fins because they look to short but they aren't compared to the reference photos so I'm torn on that. I'm going to bulk out the front circled area because I noticed that it isn't really curved there but more at like an 80-90 degree angle. I may modify the back part a bit that is under the fins but I don't think so on that.


Also I spilled hot glue on myself and got a bad burn across the whole back of my hand. lol.
Maybe once you finish this helmet, you should create a "Legendary Shield" using this helmet then hang it on your wall! That would be pretty cool! :p
Maybe once you finish this helmet, you should create a "Legendary Shield" using this helmet then hang it on your wall! That would be pretty cool! :p

I don't know a lot bout Halo, so I'm confused on this. The Legendary Shield is the symbol for when you go on Legendary with the shield, two swords, and elite skull right?

Text Update: After looking at more photos I realized the who top of the helmet is basically flat so I completely removed the whole "Bulk out" area and I'm working on scratch building a new front.
might wanna try using card stock next time it doesnt warp so easily that is wat i am using for my magnum
might wanna try using card stock next time it doesnt warp so easily that is wat i am using for my magnum

I did use cardstock, it warped because the thing was about 3 feet long and 2 feet wide, full scale. However until I get a lot better at using bondo this build has been put to a halt.

To everyone else: Let this thread die please.
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