I have used his ODST files. I found the thighs to be strangely designed, with weird curves that make them fit strangely, and the openings are way too small. The calves were very big, and the chest was not the shape I was expecting it to be. I did not buy the helmet as I already had a fiberglass helmet from an older set I had made. The shoulders are perfect just missing mounting points so I had to make my own strap loops. I used the lower chest pieces. The forearms were too big and the nook of the elbow had a piece extruding causing a pinch point. Overall, I was not happy with them myself. He lists the parts as sized for a 6 foot 200 lb person, but as a 6'2" 215 lb (slim-ish build) person, they were still a good 5-10% off. I did not tinker with proper sizing, as it seemed like was more trouble than it was worth. I am currently using the shoulders, bicep plate, lower chest, butt plate, crotch guard, and backpack from his set, but the rest (except the upper chest) is from Aguilar Workshop. His parts needed no resizing, except the pistol which needed +35%, has loops for mounting, and uses brilliant clamshell closures for clean and secure fitting. The upper chest piece I am using is from the free files on Thingiverse that I modified in Fusion 360 to be solid instead of hollow. From what I can tell, Galactic Armory's ODST files are some of his older files, and I think, while they are EXTREMELY accurate to the source material, they are not very well designed to fit on a person.