GalaxyCon's website states that "Realistic" and "Replica" firearms are not allowed at the convention.
Jonah followed up and GalaxyCon staff did say they are fine "At the booth," but that might mean that they won't allow you to walk around with them, and they might still try to turn you away at the door with them if you try to come in with later or not as part of the load in or set up. Of course, as many of us have experienced, the security staff and weapon and prop check staff are almost always volunteers who might vary from volunteer to volunteer in what they decide to allow or disallow.
So, I would say possibly plan to bring your Covenant weapons if you have them, but pack your UNSC weapons in your armor tub (
NobleofDeath16 can correct me but I believe a portion of the booth is set aside for storage of armor totes and possible suiting up?) but if turned away, we ask that all of you please respect the decision of the conventions on this matter. Calling them out on it and telling them how disappointed you are in their decision or arguing wit the Convention's staff is going to do nothing to change the situation and everything to make us as a group look, well.....whiney.Hey