First post has been updated with some more information which is also copied here:
The Exhibit Hall Hours are:
FRIDAY: 2pm to 8pm
SATURDAY: 10am to 8pm
SUNDAY: 10am to 6pm
Those members who are volunteering to do shifts at the booth should be getting Exhibitor Badges which will allow them early access to the Exhibit Hall in order to help set up and make sure everything is ready to go for the morning. This is especially important for those folks signing up for the First shifts.
Some notes/tips For those Volunteering:
Working the Table: It is preferred you wear 405th Branded items, Outpost Discovery Jerseys, or more “Business Casual” attire. Failing that, Halo branded merchandise is also a good bet. If you want, you may wear your Halo costume, but remember this area of the booth is intended for interaction with the public and your costume might interfere with that communication. Please keep your attention forward-facing to engage the public as much as possible. Welcome them to our booth and ask them if they're familiar with the 405th. Explain that we are an International Halo costume and prop group that seeks to assist others in building their dream Halo costume. For example, our website houses a wide variety of tutorials, free templates, and 3D print files. We also provide members with an opportunity to wear those costumes at Conventions, meet Ups, and Community Events. For example, direct them to our donation QR code for Extra Life and mention our yearly 24 Hour Fundraising event for it.
Working the Backdrop Area: This is the area where you are intended to be wearing your costume and be available for pictures with members of the public in front of our Photo Backdrop. While in costume remember that we do not ever “Tea Bag” while representing the 405th, nor are we to take pictures in any threatening manner, such as pointing our weapons at a member of the general public or pretending to strike or melee them, per the direct request of 343i and Microsoft.
We will also need handlers in this area to organize any line for photos and to keep an eye on our members in costume. It is preferred the handlers wear a 405th item, but since we understand that our handlers might be non-members like friends, significant others, or family, if they can wear any Halo branded items, that would be a plus. Like the table, please keep your attention forward-facing to engage the guests as much as possible. Invite them into the space, describe our group if folks are interested, and promote the Extra Life donation QR code if possible. Donations are not required, but we appreciate anything anyone can give.
Panel: Saturday at 1:45 PM in the “Cosplay Panel Room." The exact location of the Cosplay Panel room is TBD. Jonah has provided a roster of members for the panel, but we encourage everyone who can to attend, remembering to make sure the booth is not left unattended. It will be a cool idea to have a procession of members march from the booth to the panel room to help generate interest and attention for the Panel.
Photoshoot: Tentative Saturday afternoon post 405th Panel. Current idea is to have the photoshoot following the 405th Panel, either at a location along the way between the booth and the Panel Room, or once we get back to the booth itself and do it in front of the Photo Backdrop.
Dinner Plans: Potluck style Saturday Evening. The Convention has stated that they do not want outside food brought into the Exhibit Halls, as there will be concessions available in the Exhibitor Halls. (That said I will still try to ensure there is bottled water and maybe some snacks at the table for Volunteers.) These exhibit hall concessions vendors might be an option for some, but will mostly likely not be able to meet everyone's dietary restrictions. Due to the Exhibit Hall remaining open until 8PM but many options in the area closing before then, a decision will need to be made on site as to when members will want to do dinner. I have already told Jonah that I would volunteer to remain behind and keep an eye on the booth if members decide to eat earlier in the evening.