Props GOW Boltok by TheBearMan

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Thanks Spartansonny!

I will probably fix it, but i think im guna make a couple more pulls first, the distortion came from the clamps i used to hold the mold together, so i should be able to avoid the problem on the next pull.

Thanks again for the support!

When you strap the mold , put some boards on both sides and that should be enough support to keep it in line. AMAZING work here man!

Thanks a lot man! and yea i did have some pieces of masonite on either side but its only eighth inch so i will have to get some stiffer material that wont flex so much under the clamps.

Thanks again!
You might also want to cut some vent holes into the mold where you had the trapped air bubble. If you dont know what I am talking about send me a pm. I have made a few pistol molds so I might be able to help. Also if you are interested in a trade for one of my reach pistols let me know. Had been thinking about making one of these for some time now.
Thanks for the tip man! I'm already ahead of you on that one though. The vents definitely fixed the air pockets and there is only a little bit of fill work to do on the cast. I love your reach pistols, i might be open for trade down the road, but for now im guna be trying to sell a few first.

Quick progress report while im here,
I'm working almost full time at my job so this project has been kind of put on hold till i can get a few moments to breath, not to mention some disposable income to spend on some bondo and other things.

As always thanks for the support folks!

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