Gravity Hammer (HALO 3 Variant)

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New Member
This is still a work in progress, and I will update this as I go. If you would like to see my other non HALO related posts here is my tumblr:

Every gamer at one time or another has probably played HALO, and in my opinion the coolest weapon in the game has to be the gravity hammer. For this reason I decided to make a gravity hammer using the pepakura method.

Since the original pep file seemed a little small to me I decided to scale everything up 10%. This caused a lot of problems because now all of the parts are over as many as 8 pieces of paper. Meaning that in addition to cutting, folding, and gluing I have to glue pieces together. In total there are 48 separate pieces of paper that all have margins that need to be cut, as well as cutting out the pieces!


After about 8 hours of work I am only done cutting half, gluing 1/8 of the pieces together, and 4/6th of the way done cutting margins.


On a happier note I finished the bottom of the hammer!


Still working on cutting an gluing, I will post another update whenever I have something actually put together.

~~~ If anyone is interested in buying one of these tell me, because making molds would be a lot easier with a little bit of a head start.~~~



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Oh boy, does that look like a nightmare to build....Good luck! When I make one eventually I plan to make it out of foam so I can hit my friends with it. :p
My Plan is to make a mold of it at the end and use smooth-on expanding foam, and resin to make accurate representations. One for hitting, One for display.
Ooooo baby that's going to be one big hammer lol. Seeing all that paper is giving me nightmares too lol
Ooooo baby that's going to be one big hammer lol. Seeing all that paper is giving me nightmares too lol
Still have a lot left:angel

This is going to count as my daily update so, yeah, here it is:

Entire support staff assembly is done, about half of the cutting is done, and my fingers are covered in superglue.:lol WEAR GLOVES superglue is annoying. That's about it guys, stay tuned... I think that ill be able to get a lot done tomorrow. Procrastination is fun.



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You're really making me start to feel the I need to build one of these itch... Benton188 We need to reinstate thursday build stuff night! Keep it up, this is looking really good!
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You're really making me start to feel the I need to build one of these itch...

Just make sure you know what you are getting into, the pepakura alone is taking forever.:facepalm
Update time! I have finished a lot of the pepakura, and by a lot I mean a lot. Unfortunately my phone died on me so no recent photos, but I will post those ASAP.

Just so you know whats done: Entire shaft is done, as well as sword thing on back, and 1/2 of the actual hammer. The rest of the hammer pieces are ready to fold and glue. I am hoping to have pepakura done tomorrow.:)
Is anyone paying attention to this thread, cause if not I'll stop posting.

Long story short, pictures will keep people interested. Anyone can post up saying they have done something, but pics are the best way to show your progress online.

There is no need to double post because your thread isn't getting attention. Build cool things, post pics, and people will check it out. There are hundreds of build threads on this forum, so the good old "build log day seven:bought some new paper"kind of post isn't going to keep anyone intrigued.

That aside, you hammer is looking great so far. You're brave with the pep route on a prop like this, I'm stoked to see some progress.
^^ This = truth. Plus there's a handy dandy feature in the forum view where it says how many posts and VIEWS a thread has. That gives you a good idea of if people are interested or not. There are literally a ton of lurkers here that love reading and hardly ever post anything.
Wow, I didn't realize that so many people have seen my thread! I totally understand the whole lurking thing. I was just a little frustrated because the pep was taking forever.

I will post an update in a min.
Time for a new update! Sorry that it took so long but I'm back now! This is going to be a bit pic heavy so bear with me. First I got most of the actual hammer pieces put together, next I cut out the pieces, scored the lines, and glued it together.

I now have all of the main shapes done, working on the accessories and connecting pieces because whoever made this file wasn't very considerate of pepakura because several parts overlap in multiple areas. My plan is to make it where all of the accessories fit together correctly then harden each piece separately. This would allow for easy hardening, bondo, and eventually mold making. Here is the current progress on some accessories (pretty much nothing)

I just now got my parts for an anvil so I think that I'm gonna work on that for a little while. If you like this post, tell me. If you want to see my amazing knife skills:angel tell me (I think i'm going to make duel wield viking hatchets made for throwing)

Have a nice day!
Seems this build is coming along nicely. Any thought on how your going to reinforce it during the resin stage? I'd hate to see such hard work warped. It looks awesome so far!
Yeah if you resin/bondo/fiberglass them seperated they will warp different ways and not fit at all.

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