thats pretty rude. just because someone has armor doesnt make them rich. hes making a cool picture that represents what this site is about. and its about building your own mjolnir armor. if you dont have armor you arent in the picture, because the picture is composed of different homebuilt armor. from the looks of it, none of the ones hes added so far were bought as a finished suit, and two are pepakura (definitely not a rich mans choice).
thats pretty rude. just because someone has armor doesnt make them rich. hes making a cool picture that represents what this site is about. and its about building your own mjolnir armor. if you dont have armor you arent in the picture, because the picture is composed of different homebuilt armor. from the looks of it, none of the ones hes added so far were bought as a finished suit, and two are pepakura (definitely not a rich mans choice).
Very true, i have been saving for my armor for 2 years now and im definately not rich. But what does that have to do with what people are wearing. If you had the money to buy this stuff wouldnt you? I would and i did caus ei saved and i really wanted it badly. For example Sigma bought his over time and bougth the pieces broken to save money and spent hours and hours of work on them to make it look amazing. So please dont say stuff liek that about people cause its just "rude".
its ok as long as you dont do it again or ill have to post this again:
*Anouncer Voice*
Double Post, Triple Post, Post Tacular, Posting Frenzy, Postamajaro, Posting Spree, Posting riot.
AND ME!!! somthing 47....right? d..r...a?? idk u tell me lol
dark sword is officialy there!
I had to squish him on there lol. and i still ahve reserves for gamerguy55, leading spartan tastybread and dr..dra....47? was it? LOL Dragon47....NEEED!!!!! BKGRND!!!!!
well my bro wont lemme buy link's parents prolly wont ether XD i havent asked them yet. anywho i wont have a weapon. and hopefully its done by befor october 26... but i cant wait to see my armor up there... what pose should i do? oh and if you can...make me shorter then the others cus i am short im like 4ft tall i supose.
I have more updated pics coming, I'd really appreciate it if you could switch out the pic you have of me, with another one that I'll give you in the next day or so.