Gundam Fans

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Huge Gundam fan here. 08th MS team all the way! :D I'm a Zeon fan myself. In fact, my first tattoo I had done when I was 18 is the emblem of Zeon. Let's here it for the MS-07B-3 Gouf Custom. I guess the Earth Federation had some good suits too. Love the Ez8. I love the idea behind the Minovsky technology is just awesome.
Dude, you're alright. I think I've got over 9 variants to the Gouf but alot more to the Zaku. You guys should see my Facebook. I post all my suit pics up there whenever I finish a new one.
Gouf Custom had the best weapons setup IMO, Sheild Gatling gun FTW!
[QUOTE\] I love the simplicity of all the first generation mobile suits, i have a strong attachment to the GunTank as well. I'll be looking forward to anything you produce[/QUOTE]

I have one design I'm working on that I'll be puttin in the next Gunpla if it's finished.
Is a Guntank-Guncannon Combo. It's a Guntank with Legs. Need a resin kit to mold a few parts from a few other suits to make it though.
I would totally rock a Gundam Suit if we had the models.

The kits were an obsession of mine till I started pepping armor. I still need to get Astray Red Fram PG cause I already have the clear custom parts for it.

However, Wing Zero Custom is still the baddest looking of them all. I cant wait to see what PG they release this year.
I would totally rock a Gundam Suit if we had the models.

The kits were an obsession of mine till I started pepping armor. I still need to get Astray Red Fram PG cause I already have the clear custom parts for it.

However, Wing Zero Custom is still the baddest looking of them all. I cant wait to see what PG they release this year.

00gundam series PG were released this year
Ok I may post a thread or just in here once I get further along but I've making my own Blueprints for Gundam RX-78 Beam Rifle, Rx-79(G) 100mm michine rifle, Zaku Machinegun with grenade attachment(very similar to the M4 carbine). I have them all in 1/100 scale, I'll just di-cal them to print first.
This should be fun, I'll try to have pics up soon. Kinda busy with night classes, so this is just a side project till I can really take off.
00gundam series PG were released this year

A little late on this... I actually got the 00 Raiser kit last December Was my first PG

I just picked up Red Frame Astray PG at NYCC as well as the HG KSHATRIYA from Unicorn.
I can't wait for PG Strike Freedom this Christmas. Looks to be amazing.

Anyway, on Google, I found some Sketchup models of the -79[G], complete with its ubercannon (180 RecAR is not as fun to say, even though I know what it is), but I have no clue as to how to separate it into its parts and do what one does with Pepakura. Call me a moron, but I don't know a -blam!- thing about 3D modeling.

Best of luck on your guns, man
Also a huge Gundam Fan, most of Wing plus Endless Waltz and Seed Series.

Startet with Gunpla a few Months ago, the Collecting Madness started again.

First was a NixProvidence, then two GAT-X 105, Nr. 1 & 5.

Providence is finished and the others need Lining, Clear Coat and a cool Stance.

Going to make more and i think, a Gundam Helmet Pep would come also.
So I see that this thread has died a little bit nut I was looking through and I found a guy named Juicy and Nintendude did a bunch of MS costume Peps.
I've got some Gundam weapons on my list of things to make, but right now my plate it full. :)

I will tell you that the MS 07B-3 Gouf's Gatling Shield is one of them.
I am on the hunt for a 3d model of the Red Frame Astray perfect grade. Want to avoid doing it myself cause i dont think im really good at it.

Building the Perfect Grade model right now so at least I'll have plenty of reference.
I was working on Gundam peps right now I'm nearly done with the Exia but the parts will be big.

Hey Nintendude, If I get you pics of the weapons could you model them? I'll do the unfolding, I have a pep license now. I saw where you were working on gundams but 4shared deleted your stuff. I have a head you did, I just scaled it up and printed it out tonight. I just need to know how I can share what I've unfolded. or is that called exporting?
I would love to build a Gundam costume! :)

If were to build one though, it would have to be Shining Gundam from the G Gundam series. ;)
I've only watched one or two Gundam episodes, but I really like the whole giant robot concept. I have that one gundam that had a silly "Shining Finger" themesong and a Deathscythe model that isn't put together yet. My friend wants me to build him a Deathscythe suit, but Gundams have stupid proportions, and he's in Japan...

I frickin' LOVE Zoids. I had several of the easily-put-together Zoids kits that walked, and my mom broke some of them when she ignored my warning of re-arranging my room. I really like the Liger Zoids, Command Wolves and my gigantic Gojulas Giga that roars. The Kotobukiya HMM kits are expensive, though, so I only have a white Command Wolf master model kit...

Edit: I know someone who made a Gundam suit and wore it to a con~
I've been a fan of gundam since Wing aired on Cartoon Network.
My favorite have to be Deathscythe Custom from Endless Waltz, but the MS 07B-3 Gouf is a close second.
I frickin' LOVE Zoids. I had several of the easily-put-together Zoids kits that walked, and my mom broke some of them when she ignored my warning of re-arranging my room. I really like the Liger Zoids, Command Wolves and my gigantic Gojulas Giga that roars. The Kotobukiya HMM kits are expensive, though, so I only have a white Command Wolf master model kit...

Edit: I know someone who made a Gundam suit and wore it to a con~
Zoids for the win. Can't wait to see if a Koenig Wolf is made in the HMM line. Also, CAS for the Zero.

And, what you said, totally true. Gundams DO have stupid proportions. Impossibly inhuman if it weren't for the double-joint in the knee. (Just make it a fixed part of the thigh, if you ask me.) Doesn't stop me from wanting to make a Gundam costume. :p

Nin, how'd that hunt for the -79[G] go?
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