H3:ODST Build #2: Electric Boogaloo

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There are two separate audio systems in the helmet: one for talkin' and one for listenin'.

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System 1 is pretty similar to MoeSizzlac's simple helmet speaker system which can be found here, with a couple of small changes to improve volume and clarity. I had initially planned on using an electret microphone, but wasn't happy with the volume level I was getting. Electret microphones are quite sensitive, so you can't turn your amplifiers up very far before the system starts feeding back. I hopped on Ebay and for about 10 bucks found a microphone designed for handheld radios. This microphone is dynamic which tend to be less sensitive and more directional than electret mics. I also ordered some cheap preamp boards, since the mic didn't have a built in preamp like the electret mic. From the preamp I wired up two little amplifiers, the same ones Moe used I think, and hooked up a speaker to each one. I mounted the grills of the ODST helmet, and crammed the amplifiers and preamp into the right cheek. The microphone attaches to the helmet right in front of my mouth with some velcro.

The talkback system before I added the second amplifier:
View attachment 297050

Microphone mounting:
View attachment 297051

Amplifier and speaker mounting:
View attachment 297053

Speaker grill from the front:
View attachment 297052

So, this design is pretty loud, but I'm a sound guy and I figured it couldn't hurt to try getting it a little louder. I designed a notch filter centered at the frequency of the feedback I was getting (about 1500HZ), and added it into the signal chain. It does eliminate feedback at that frequency, but is a little too drastic in the way it effects the overall sound. I think I may try designing a little equalizer to put in the left cheek.

The Filter board:
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How is the speaker with the filter in place? Would you happen to have a demonstration of it? I'm curious if the 3watt and inline filter is worth the swap out on my Mandalorian helmet.
If I have time today I'll do a video comparison with and without. Like I mentioned in my post, I think the notch filter is a tad aggressive. You probably only need to attenuate 3-6 db at the frequency of the feedback to help. Id like to implement a dual band eq with adjustable gain and frequency for each eq point. This would make it far easier to dial in an eq curve that takes out just enough to cut out feedback, but not to where it significantly effects overal volume. If you're curious, the filter circuit I used is called a twin-t.
Hello everyone,

A great deal has happened since I last updated, mostly soft parts and oh what wonderful soft parts they are!

For starters, I added the inner thighs onto the thigh armor:

I added scoring to the forearms to make them more game accurate. I also filled some of the not so great seams.

I also printed D3LTA 's glorious combat knife:

Hell's bells we got some shoulder bells!

And some strapping shoulder straps!

I even did a little suit up:

Badabing badaboom that's all I got for now. I'm starting to feel like the end is in sight for this one. Hopefully I can crank out the paint once the weather warms up. It's been 9 degrees for the last two days...

I might try to tackle the undersuit sections to fill out the gaps between my back and the back plate, we'll see how motivated I feel. It definitely comes in waves.

Shout out to two awesome builders working on ODSTs right now: TurboCharizard and TillXValhalla go check out their stuff!

Hello everyone,

A great deal has happened since I last updated, mostly soft parts and oh what wonderful soft parts they are!

For starters, I added the inner thighs onto the thigh armor:
View attachment 302761

I added scoring to the forearms to make them more game accurate. I also filled some of the not so great seams.
View attachment 302763

I also printed D3LTA 's glorious combat knife:
View attachment 302762

Hell's bells we got some shoulder bells!
View attachment 302764View attachment 302765View attachment 302766View attachment 302774View attachment 302775View attachment 302777View attachment 302776View attachment 302781View attachment 302782

And some strapping shoulder straps!
View attachment 302778View attachment 302779View attachment 302780

I even did a little suit up:
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Badabing badaboom that's all I got for now. I'm starting to feel like the end is in sight for this one. Hopefully I can crank out the paint once the weather warms up. It's been 9 degrees for the last two days...

I might try to tackle the undersuit sections to fill out the gaps between my back and the back plate, we'll see how motivated I feel. It definitely comes in waves.

Shout out to two awesome builders working on ODSTs right now: TurboCharizard and TillXValhalla go check out their stuff!

Looking fantastic bruv, and I have learned alot reading through your thread and fully intend to emulate some stuff on my next go around. Looks awesome. Can't wait to see it painted.
Amazing work! Bookmarking this for future reference. Hope to see it in person someday.
Mini update. I've finished the undersuit sewing for the most part. I didn't start from scratch on these, I just modified a shirt and a pair of pants by adding sleeves and knee covers.

Here are the knee covers:

And here is the end result:

I've added snaps to the waist of the pants and to the bottom of my vest. Unfortunately the snaps I used aren't very strong at all and I pop at least 3 of them just bending down to look at my shoes so I have to either find stronger snaps, or devise some other way to keep the pants up. One idea my brother suggested was adding elastic to the snaps in the back to take some of the force of bending, so I'll try that first.

Here's a quick picture I took with some gear from v1 added into the mix. I'm starting to see how this project will come together, and it's almost warm enough to start painting so expect to see updates on that in the coming months, maybe even weeks.

In terms of problem solving, I mostly just have some comfort things to work out. Figuring out the snaps will be a big step in that regard, as will strapping up the armor. I intend to add elastic to the inner thigh ring because they fit a little snug and are constantly trying to work themselves down.

That's all for today, have a nice weekend.
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