- Hall of Honor - Post Pics of your finished armor/weapons

This is absolutely amazing! I followed your work in these years and you're a genius!
I really need a visor for my helmet...Do you know if Hector Alfaro can ship a visor in Italy?
Thanks! I don't see why Hector couldn't, but keep in mind that he is rather busy, so a response from him may take a bit. If you find that it is impossible to get a hold of him, I may have one shortly... as I just build my own vacuum forming setup, have the MC visor buck prepared, and ordered all of the necessary materials. Let me know what transpires :)

And, here are two of my favorite shots from a recent trip to Seattle Center :)

l.png m.png


Screenshot 2015-09-17 at 5.08.40 PM.pngIts not actually pepakura, but it was my first try at 3d programing for a referance pic for pepakura, but still im proud of it (1 on, 1 try, 3 one, 2 try, 2 one, 3 try)

Screenshot 2015-09-17 at 5.08.40 PM.png

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